Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Turkey Day Total Body Fat Loss Workouts with a Medicine Ball!

I know you're gonna do your thang and get your grub on come Turkey Day, so why not crank it with some total body med ball workouts so that you can actually earn the feast!

Remember, your body best handles sugary and starchy carbohydrates and higher calorie meals within 3 hours of intense exercise.

It's all done-for-you below so check it out, and if you really over do it, feel free to do the second med ball workout later in the day after the big meal ;)

5-Minute Total Body Fat Burning Workout#1- Med Ball

- You will alternate between 50 s of work (max reps or max hold) and a 10 s rest and transition for each exercise in the following 5-minute circuit

- Perform this 5-minute circuit 1-4x for a 5-20 minute total body workout based on your schedule (20 minutes for optimal results!)

Exercise#1- Double-Leg
Exercise#2- Push
Exercise#3- Single-Leg
Exercise#4- Pull
Exercise#5- Core

*switch sides half-way unless alternating or performing an even number of multiple sets

Exercise# Exercise Category Exercise Variation
1 Double-Leg MB Sumo Deadlifts
2 Push Lying MB Chest Passes
3 Single-Leg MB Alternating Lunge + Twist
4 Pull MB Alternating Rows
5 Core MB Upper Body Twists

Click the link below to view a complete done-for-you workout video demo @

5-Minute Total Body Fat Burning Workout#2- Med Ball

- You will alternate between 50 s of work (max reps or max hold) and a 10 s rest and transition for each exercise in the following 5-minute circuit

- Perform this 5-minute circuit 1-4x for a 5-20 minute total body workout based on your schedule (20 minutes for optimal results!)

Exercise#1- Double-Leg
Exercise#2- Push
Exercise#3- Single-Leg
Exercise#4- Pull
Exercise#5- Core

*switch sides half-way unless alternating or performing an even number of multiple sets

Exercise# Exercise Category Exercise Variation
1 Double-Leg MB Back Squats
2 Push MB Kneeling Shoulder Passes
3 Single-Leg MB Single-Leg Hip Extensions
4 Pull MB Alternating Bicep Curls
5 Core MB Leg Raises

LinkClick the link below to view a complete done-for-you workout video demo @

Crank it!