Thursday, July 31, 2008

Lose-Your-Gut AT HOME!

I used to exclusively workout at gyms or health clubs because I thought I had to use expensive equipment to get results.

This all changed when I realized I could get better results AT HOME using body weight exercises to Workout Muse interval training soundtracks.

Think about all the benefits of home workouts...

No wasted gas OR time traveling to the gym!

No wasted money on overpriced membership costs!

Workout on YOUR SCHEDULE in the comfort of YOUR HOME!

What's the best part?


Sorry, that was just me venting about how I used to get thrown out of the YMCA because I grunted too much during my workouts :(

A fellow Workout Muse pro member Doug Parra, whom I had the pleasure of meeting recently during our recent vacation in Orlando, has put together a great video demo of one of his favorite rapid fat loss workouts he does in his living room.

Check out the video below to see for yourself how Doug just presses PLAY and listens and loses fat to one of his HARDCORE home workouts:

No frills... HUGE RESULTS!

Let's all get sexy like Doug ;)

Crank it!


PS- Want to be able to CRANK IT at home for BIG-TIME results like Doug? Today is your LAST CHANCE to access the special introductory price for our 16-Week Rapid Fat Loss Cardio Soundtracks and the 846 bucks worth of bonuses that will vanish come 11:59 am EDT Today!

Make it easy on yourself and click the link below to get your very own personal music trainer so you can save money on overpriced equipment and useless gym memberships and lose fat FAST at home!

Sport Cardio Intervals for Flat Abs!

Are you stuck in a rut with your cardio workouts?

Is you idea of "switching it up" moving from the treadmill to the step machine and back?

If yes, I've got some great ways to add variety to your cardio workouts to help you bust through frustrating weight loss plateaus!

A fellow Workout Muse Pro member Greg Kalafatic has created SPORT CARDIO INTERVALS which fuses speed and agility drills from various sports with our tried and proven rapid fat loss cardio interval training timelines!

These drills will help you accomplish 3 very important things:

1.) Perform and Look Better: By training like an athlete you will start to move and look like an athlete. Plus, if you are a weekend warrior looking for the competitive edge in your pick-up football games or summer basketball league, these drills are the perfect vehicle for separating yourself from the competition.

2.) Endless Variety: There are hundreds of speed and agility drills that you can incorporate into your cardio workouts to keep things exciting, fun, and fresh. After all, the moment your workouts start becoming boring is when you start falling off the wagon!

3.) Greater Fat Loss: Speed and Agility drills involve a lot of change of direction which is much more challenging for your body then simply running in a straight line. This stop and go movement leads to a bigger metabolic boost and skyrockets your calorie burning to help you unveil those flat, sexy abs!

You need to take a look at some of Greg's SPORT CARDIO INTERVAL workout video demos by below

Greg has been gracious enough to include his SPORT CARDIO INTERVAL E-Book as one of the 21 bonuses worth over 846 bucks in value that cames with your purchase of The 16-Week Rapid Fat Loss Cardio Soundtracks!

But you only have until tomorrow at 11:59 am to collect these bonuses before they go away!

Crank it!


Wednesday, July 30, 2008

3 Simple Rapid Fat Loss Nutrition Tips!

Any legit fat loss expert will tell you that proper nutrition is 80% of the game when it comes to getting rid of your gut and melting off trouble spot fat in your hips, thighs, abs, and lower bacl

But too often I see these so called experts making nutrition much more complicated than it really has to be.

I have helped HUNDRED of people lose THOUSANDS of pounds of ugly, unwanted fat from these 3 simple rapid fat loss nutrition tips from our Eternal Eating Nutrition system:

ETERNAL#1- Eat OFTEN: Eat immediately upon waking and then every 2-4 hours for a total of 4-6 meals per day based on your goals, body type, and/or activity levels.

Our clients have had the most success eating 4 meals per day every 4 hours for maximal fat loss AND convenience.

ETERNAL#2- Eat the RIGHT Meals at the RIGHT Times: Eternal Eating consists of two main types of meals: core meals and activity meals.

Core meals consist of lean proteins, fruits and veggies, and healthy fats and can be eaten anytime. A great example is an extra lean steak with green veggies.

Activity meals consist of lean proteins, fruits and veggies, and nutrient dense carbohydrates (whole grains and legumes) and are best consumed either for breakfast or within 3 hours of intense activity. A great example is a fruit and yogurt parfait.

This simple and brutally effective nutrient timing strategy will have you looking better naked instantly!

ETERNAL#3- Eat Portions, Not Calories: Our clients focus on portion sizes, not calorie counting! 80% of the foods that we recommend can be measured using your fist alone.

To keep it even simpler, use this incredible lose-your-gut eating strategy at every meal:

Men: Eat 2 fists worth of an extra lean protein source (anything that has a face or a mother and runs, flies, or swims) AND at least 1-2 fists worth of fibrous green veggies (anything green and from the ground)

Women: Eat 1 fist worth of an extra lean protein source (anything that has a face or a mother and runs, flies, or swims) AND at least 1-2 fists worth of fibrous green veggies (anything green and from the ground)

If you purchase The 16-Week Rapid Fat Loss Cardio Soundtracks @ by 11:59 am EDT this Friday, August 1st, you will immediately access our entire Eternal Eating Rapid Fat Loss Nutrition System, including:

- The Eternal Eating Quick-Start Guides for Males and Females + Audio Bonus: The Quick-Start Guide will have you eating to maximize your sexy in 5 minutes or less. We only tell you what you NEED TO KNOW to get BIG-TIME RESULTS so that you don't get bogged-down with extraneous scientific information! Plus, we do all the work for you by providing DONE-FOR-YOU get sexy recipes like Guilt-Free Chicken Parm, Baked Chicken Fingers and Sweet Potato Fries, Naomi's Yummy Thin Crust Pizza, The Get Sexy Burger, The Fruit and Yogurt Parfait, our BUILD-YOUR-OWN SALAD/SANDWICH/SHAKE SERIES, and much, much more!

- The Get Sexy Cookbook for Males and Females- Volume I + Audio Bonus: Nearly 80 pages of DONE-FOR-YOU Eternal Eating approved recipes to provide an endless variety of tasty AND healthy recipes to keep your body changing and your taste buds guessing! Many of these recipes were built with love from some of our very own superstar clients and they are sharing both their favorite meals and get sexy tips with YOU!

- The Ultimate Supplement Guide: Stop wasting your money on all those dangerous and expensive PILLS that aren't getting you any results. We'll reveal the ONLY 2 SUPPLEMENTS you'll ever NEED to maximize fat loss!

However, you only less than 3 days before we remove these incredible bonuses worth over 846 bucks in value. I promise you that you will never be able to access our Eternal Eating nutrition system as a bonus ever again, so make the smart move and learn how to eat to build a sexy metabolism that will have your burning fat and building lean muscle 24-7-365:

Crank it!


Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Gas Prices and Fat Loss

Are You A Toyota Or A Ferrari?

With a sluggish economy and gas prices skyrocketing with no end in sight, never before has there been such a need for fuel-efficient automobiles.

Yep, when it comes to fuel economy, slow and steady wins the race and that is why a Toyota is always the better choice compared to gas-guzzling sports cars or SUVs.

But when it comes to fat loss... the last thing you want your body to become is a Toyota!

You see Toyotas are necessity vehicles that are all go and no show. The fitness equivalent of a TOYOTA is AEROBIC TRAINING. Going slow for long forces your body to become a more efficient fat-burner so you can travel more "miles per gallon of fuel consumed".

Now, this is great if you are an endurance athlete whose goal is to be able to go further or travel the greatest distance in the shortest period of time.

But, when it comes to fat loss, the worst thing you can do is become a more efficient fat-burner because essentially you will BURN LESS FAT FOR EVERY EFFORT YOU MAKE!

Ferraris are sexy, muscled-up luxury vehicles made to travel fast and in style for short distances in a stop and go format. The fitness equivalent of a FERRARI is INTERVAL TRAINING. Alternating between short all-out sprints and active recovery periods is incredibly inefficient for your engine (metabolism) and thus burns up a ton of fuel (calories)!

Now this is a BAD WAY TO TRAVEL if you are trying to conserve fuel, but this is the BEST AND ONLY WAY TO TRAIN if you are trying to burn as much energy and fat as possible in the shortest period of time.

Now, please don't take offense to my analogy here, as I am the proud owner of a 2004 Toyota Camry. Right now it's saving me a ton of money on gas!

However, when it comes to training to maximize your sexy (more lean muscle, less body fat), your best bet is to DO IT LIKE A FERRARI for double the fat-burning and muscle-building results in half the time!

Trust me, once you go interval, you will never go back ;)

Crank it!


PS- We had such an OVERWHELMINGLY POSITIVE RESPONSE to the official launch of yesterday! Thanks to all of you who helped make this happen!

PPS- Make sure to check out the site for yourself, it's a total no-brainer. There is a RISK-FREE 60-Day Money-Back Guarantee to try the world's first and #1 audio interval trainer for yourself. The social proof of the program is unparalleled which is why we are the HOTTEST digital fat loss product on the market today! If you don't lose fat like crazy and aren't blown away by our soundtracks, we will give you your money back with a smile ;)

PPPS- The LIMITED-TIME BONUSES worth 847 clams in value will be gone by Friday, August 1st @ 11:59 am! You'd have to be crazy too miss out on all of these. Do yourself a favor and go to and scroll down to the bottom of the page to see 21 rapid fat loss bonuses that you can only get within the next 4 days!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Lebanon's Fat Loss Revolution!

Here's another HUGE Workout Muse SUCCESS STORY:

Fellow WM Pro Member Youssef Helou has taken the Workout Muse training system and started his very own fitness revolution in LEBANON!

You need to check out this video... IT'S VERY POWERFUL!

I am a very passionate and emotional guy when it comes to getting my clients the most rapid and lasting results around.

And I have no trouble spotting others who share this drive with me.

You can just FEEL Youssef's burning desire to help others in his country experience the benefits he received from the WM rapid fat loss interval training system.

Don't forget this guy's name, he's gonna be something special... in fact he already is ;)

Now Go Get Lebanon LEAN Youss!

Crank it!


PS- The Rapid Fat Loss Cardio Soundtracks will be LIVE and open for purchase this Monday, July 28th. And our good buddy Youssef' Helou has been gracious enough to throw in one of his popular e-books "UNO FAT LOSS," where he shows you how to lose belly fat fast with only 1 piece of equipment! Check out to learn more about Youssef's e-book and the other 18 LIMITED-TIME BONUSES that will be available so you can start sprinting to look better naked this Monday!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

49, With A Body A 20-Year Old Would Die For!

I just had to share this WM success story with you. IT BLEW ME AWAY!

After searching high and low for the most rapid way to lose fat and get those coveted 6-pack abs, Gary thought back to when he was in the U.S. Army as the pushup champion in basic training.

Realizing he already knew how to rapidly lose fat all along. High intensity interval strength training with short high speed cardio.

After getting bored with just bodyweight exercises he combined a homemade sandbag with an old army rucksack and at 49 years of age is in better shape than when he was in the Army nearly 20 years ago.

Check out the videos below of Gary RUCKIN' IT to our WM Tabatas Soundtrack:

Make sure to watch the whole video so you can see his ridiculous before and after pics after only 12 weeks of using Workout Muse!

Gary... you look dead sexy!

Crank it!


PS- Gary will be including an e-book preview of his RUCK IT For Rapid Fat Loss product as a special bonus for those who buy our coming 16-WEEK RAPID FAT LOSS CARDIO SOUNDTRACKS!

You can take a look at the site now @ We have disabled the buy now links for now because we are still collecting bonuses that will make this product THE BEST FAT LOSS CARDIO RESOURCE on the market today. We will notify you immediately when it's ready to rock you can listen and lose fat FAST just like Gary did!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Your FIRST Cardio Interval Training Workout!

Rapid Fat Loss Cardio Interval Training 101

Today I have a very special video for you that will walk you through your very FIRST interval cardio workout!

Simply click the link below to learn how to sprint to look better naked ;)

Listen and Lose Fat,

BJ Gaddour, CSCS

PS- Check out what Workout Muse did for some VERY BUSY MOMS:

"As a busy working mom, Workout Muse has given me the convenience and
flexibility that I need to get my workouts done consistently and
effectively. All I do is "push play" on my MP3 and I can do my
workouts anywhere----on the treadmill or outside with the jogging
stroller. The beat and tempo of the energizing music is perfect for
interval training and Workout Muse tells you exactly what to do. It's
a no brainer! Workout Muse has given me my body back---I went from a
size 8 to a size 2, lost 20 scale lbs and have also gained the strength, flexibility and
energy I need to keep up with my one-year old baby boy!"

- El Sangalang, 40 years old, NEW mother

"With Workout Muse I lost over 21 lbs and 5 inches in a matter of 9 weeks reaching both my goal weight and pant size. Most importantly this program works with my busy lifestyle (I work full-time, live 45 minutes away, have a 7-year old daughter who is a competitive figure skater, and a 5 year old son who is on an Illinois Travel Hockey Team). I feel great. I have increased flexibility, energy, and mental wellbeing. I am able to focus better on my family and my work. It enables me to accomplish everything that needs to be done throughout the day with an energized and renewed spirit. I just love the way I feel and look!"

- Vicky Kelly, 40 years old, Employed Full-Time, Mother of 3, Information Systems Analyst

Monday, July 14, 2008

14 Fat Loss Experts Share Their Secrets!

I am pretty pumped at the moment!

You see, I've been selected as one of the world's premier fat loss experts and have been asked to contribute my closely guarded secrets (the same secrets that I usually only share with you, a valued friend and reader) to the rest of the world!

The Free Fat Loss Tips website is where 13 other experts from Australia, The United States, Canada and The UK, join me on this new site.

The best part, of course, is each of us has decided to give up our great secrets for free and the site is now live!

You'll find some great information from myself featuring the 16-Week Rapid Fat Loss Cardio Program, which is the EXACT program I hand to all my training clients on day one to lose up to 2-3+ lbs of ugly, unwanted body fat per week! Plus, you can access a BONUS Sample Cardio Interval Training Soundtrack that will tell you when to start and stop and even provides countdowns and updates so you can just press PLAY and listen and lose fat FAST!

Plus you get the following fat-melting info from 13 other leaders in the fat loss game:

- Daniel Munday, who specializes in short, intense workouts for busy people who usually don't have time to exercise. He is giving away the Aussie Fatblast Secrets Revealed audio and eBook special report.

- Dave Soucy, a women's fat loss expert, who has a great Busy Women's Fitness Solution eBook. This 50 pages of jam packed, results producing info is aimed at women sick of trying fad diets and boring treadmill workouts.

- Ed Scow, the author of Fat Loss To Go, who is giving you 3 hot secret reports on the best ways for men and women to lose that body fat.

- Mike Grafstein, is a Youth Soccer expert who has some great interval fitness programs if you have any kids that play the world game.

- Caroline Radway, offers you her Perfect 10 tips to help you achieve your perfect fit for life

- Stephen Cabral, a renowned media personality, who is offering The World's Most Powerful Weight Loss Interval report

- Dan Grant, magazine contributor and body transformation coach who will teach you his Degrees of Change system to accelerate your fat loss results

- Dr Kareem Samhouri, ground breaking, year long, Lift Hard Play Hard program is one of the internet's premier online training solutions.

- Eddie Enriquez, who has created the website to allow users free access to some of the best fitness videos and audios on the planet. This is You Tube for fitness.

- John Fell, a Sydney based trainer to the stars who is offering you 3 months online training with access to mp3 workouts, education, and his sought after motivation and support methods

- Ben Warstler, runs successful boot camps in small town Vermont and is sharing with you his 4 Secret Hot Spots for fast and effective fat loss

- Susan Hill, a renowned personal trainer of the year winner, and author of the Bikini Butt Workout for all the women wanting to look their best in their swimsuit this summer. Susan will give you the best tips for picking the right swimsuit.

- Jeremy and Alissa Nelms, creators of the revolutionary Mid Year Resolutions Program which is a teleseminar series that addresses your fat loss, financial and relationship success. Jeremy interviews over 20 experts and you can gain access to this for free!

As you can see, it is a comprehensive list of incredibly accomplished and successful Fat Loss Experts.

Personally, I think you'd be certifiable if you miss the boat on what they are giving away to you.

Most of these trainers would charge upwards of $200 an hour for their time and but you can pick their brains for NOTHING!

Once again, the place to get your freebies is:

Yours in Fat Loss,

BJ Gaddour, CSCS