Any legit fat loss expert will tell you that proper nutrition is 80% of the game when it comes to getting rid of your gut and melting off trouble spot fat in your hips, thighs, abs, and lower bacl
But too often I see these so called experts making nutrition much more complicated than it really has to be.
I have helped HUNDRED of people lose THOUSANDS of pounds of ugly, unwanted fat from these 3 simple rapid fat loss nutrition tips from our Eternal Eating Nutrition system:
ETERNAL#1- Eat OFTEN: Eat immediately upon waking and then every 2-4 hours for a total of 4-6 meals per day based on your goals, body type, and/or activity levels.
Our clients have had the most success eating 4 meals per day every 4 hours for maximal fat loss AND convenience.
ETERNAL#2- Eat the RIGHT Meals at the RIGHT Times: Eternal Eating consists of two main types of meals: core meals and activity meals.
Core meals consist of lean proteins, fruits and veggies, and healthy fats and can be eaten anytime. A great example is an extra lean steak with green veggies.
Activity meals consist of lean proteins, fruits and veggies, and nutrient dense carbohydrates (whole grains and legumes) and are best consumed either for breakfast or within 3 hours of intense activity. A great example is a fruit and yogurt parfait.
This simple and brutally effective nutrient timing strategy will have you looking better naked instantly!
ETERNAL#3- Eat Portions, Not Calories: Our clients focus on portion sizes, not calorie counting! 80% of the foods that we recommend can be measured using your fist alone.
To keep it even simpler, use this incredible lose-your-gut eating strategy at every meal:
Men: Eat 2 fists worth of an extra lean protein source (anything that has a face or a mother and runs, flies, or swims) AND at least 1-2 fists worth of fibrous green veggies (anything green and from the ground)
Women: Eat 1 fist worth of an extra lean protein source (anything that has a face or a mother and runs, flies, or swims) AND at least 1-2 fists worth of fibrous green veggies (anything green and from the ground)
If you purchase The 16-Week Rapid Fat Loss Cardio Soundtracks @ by 11:59 am EDT this Friday, August 1st, you will immediately access our entire Eternal Eating Rapid Fat Loss Nutrition System, including:
- The Eternal Eating Quick-Start Guides for Males and Females + Audio Bonus: The Quick-Start Guide will have you eating to maximize your sexy in 5 minutes or less. We only tell you what you NEED TO KNOW to get BIG-TIME RESULTS so that you don't get bogged-down with extraneous scientific information! Plus, we do all the work for you by providing DONE-FOR-YOU get sexy recipes like Guilt-Free Chicken Parm, Baked Chicken Fingers and Sweet Potato Fries, Naomi's Yummy Thin Crust Pizza, The Get Sexy Burger, The Fruit and Yogurt Parfait, our BUILD-YOUR-OWN SALAD/SANDWICH/SHAKE SERIES, and much, much more!
- The Get Sexy Cookbook for Males and Females- Volume I + Audio Bonus: Nearly 80 pages of DONE-FOR-YOU Eternal Eating approved recipes to provide an endless variety of tasty AND healthy recipes to keep your body changing and your taste buds guessing! Many of these recipes were built with love from some of our very own superstar clients and they are sharing both their favorite meals and get sexy tips with YOU!
- The Ultimate Supplement Guide: Stop wasting your money on all those dangerous and expensive PILLS that aren't getting you any results. We'll reveal the ONLY 2 SUPPLEMENTS you'll ever NEED to maximize fat loss!
However, you only less than 3 days before we remove these incredible bonuses worth over 846 bucks in value. I promise you that you will never be able to access our Eternal Eating nutrition system as a bonus ever again, so make the smart move and learn how to eat to build a sexy metabolism that will have your burning fat and building lean muscle 24-7-365:
Crank it!