We're just 7 days out from the start
of this Year's http://www.12daysoffitness.com
and boy, have we been puting together
a bunch of great FREE gifts for you!
There are well over a hundred exercise
programs, diets, nutrition plans, videos,
audios, reports and tons more getting lined
up to hit your inbox from 10th December...
...and all of it is FREE. It won't cost you
a single penny!
All of the contributors (myself included)
are really looking forward to sharing
their gifts with you
but we really need your help
to make this work.
First, we need you to get on over to
http://www.12daysoffitness.com right
away and update your details into the
form we've set up over there. This will
make sure you don't miss out on the gifts
as we release them on the tenth.
Second, we need you to tell everyone
you know about the gift-giving. You see,
we want this to be big. No, HUGE, and
the only way to accomplish that is to get
the word out through everyone who
we know.
That means you too!
You don't have to do much,
just send your family, friends and colleagues
on over to http://www.12daysoffitness.com
to get their own gifts and we'll do the rest.
Can you help?
I hope so, we really want this to help as
many people as possible.
Thanks in advance!
Crank it!