Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Gas Prices and Fat Loss

Are You A Toyota Or A Ferrari?

With a sluggish economy and gas prices skyrocketing with no end in sight, never before has there been such a need for fuel-efficient automobiles.

Yep, when it comes to fuel economy, slow and steady wins the race and that is why a Toyota is always the better choice compared to gas-guzzling sports cars or SUVs.

But when it comes to fat loss... the last thing you want your body to become is a Toyota!

You see Toyotas are necessity vehicles that are all go and no show. The fitness equivalent of a TOYOTA is AEROBIC TRAINING. Going slow for long forces your body to become a more efficient fat-burner so you can travel more "miles per gallon of fuel consumed".

Now, this is great if you are an endurance athlete whose goal is to be able to go further or travel the greatest distance in the shortest period of time.

But, when it comes to fat loss, the worst thing you can do is become a more efficient fat-burner because essentially you will BURN LESS FAT FOR EVERY EFFORT YOU MAKE!

Ferraris are sexy, muscled-up luxury vehicles made to travel fast and in style for short distances in a stop and go format. The fitness equivalent of a FERRARI is INTERVAL TRAINING. Alternating between short all-out sprints and active recovery periods is incredibly inefficient for your engine (metabolism) and thus burns up a ton of fuel (calories)!

Now this is a BAD WAY TO TRAVEL if you are trying to conserve fuel, but this is the BEST AND ONLY WAY TO TRAIN if you are trying to burn as much energy and fat as possible in the shortest period of time.

Now, please don't take offense to my analogy here, as I am the proud owner of a 2004 Toyota Camry. Right now it's saving me a ton of money on gas!

However, when it comes to training to maximize your sexy (more lean muscle, less body fat), your best bet is to DO IT LIKE A FERRARI for double the fat-burning and muscle-building results in half the time!

Trust me, once you go interval, you will never go back ;)

Crank it!



PS- We had such an OVERWHELMINGLY POSITIVE RESPONSE to the official launch of http://www.RapidFatLossCardio.com yesterday! Thanks to all of you who helped make this happen!

PPS- Make sure to check out the site for yourself, it's a total no-brainer. There is a RISK-FREE 60-Day Money-Back Guarantee to try the world's first and #1 audio interval trainer for yourself. The social proof of the program is unparalleled which is why we are the HOTTEST digital fat loss product on the market today! If you don't lose fat like crazy and aren't blown away by our soundtracks, we will give you your money back with a smile ;)

PPPS- The LIMITED-TIME BONUSES worth 847 clams in value will be gone by Friday, August 1st @ 11:59 am! You'd have to be crazy too miss out on all of these. Do yourself a favor and go to http://www.RapidFatLossCardio.com and scroll down to the bottom of the page to see 21 rapid fat loss bonuses that you can only get within the next 4 days!