We all know how busy the holidays can be. However, do not let yourself get caught in the trap of not working out to make more time for holiday errands or events. It is a big mistake to risk losing the lean muscle mass and strength that you have worked so hard to build and maintain. Why you ask? Losses in lean muscle mass will lower your resting metabolic rate, which accounts for the vast majority (about 60-75%) of your total daily calorie burning. This means that everyday you will be burning less and less calories which will put you at a much greater risk of putting on ugly, unwanted body fat during the holidays. Plus, losing strength will mean that the next time you start to work out your performance will be sub par and you’ll get smacked in the face with that ugly word that no one ever wants to encounter when it comes to their training: regression! Furthermore, there are many clever ways to maintain or increase the number of calories you burn per day, both from exercise and from your normal daily activities, to stay fat-free this holiday season. Use the strategies below to maintain and/or increase your current amount of lean muscle mass and maximize your daily calorie burn to best protect yourself against the deadly holiday bloat!
1.) Perform at least one intense strength training session per week
Studies show that only a single strength training workout per week during times when you cannot train as frequently as you normally do is an effective way to maintain your current levels of strength and lean muscle mass. So, to best maintain your strength and lean muscle mass, shoot for at least one good strength training workout per week to stay buff during the holidays and to prevent unwanted regressions in fitness. To best prevent weight gain, aim for three total body strength workouts per week. To maximize fat burning, perform three total body strength workouts per week and also perform three cardio interval workouts per week on non strength-training days.
2.) Hit Your Totals
Your body is a moron. In other words, it cannot differentiate between 100 push-ups performed in a row versus 100 total push-ups performed in a day. When you honestly cannot find a five to 20-minute time slot to complete an effective total body workout, look for hidden chunks of time during the day to get in a certain number of daily repetitions for a certain number of exercises that work your entire body. Got a free moment from now until you need to take the turkey out of the oven? Then, bang out 10 push-ups, 10 rows, and 20 squats. Using this method throughout the day will lead to big numbers by the end of the day that will burn the same amount of calories in addition to creating similar muscle building effects as if you did all of the exercises at once during a single workout.
It is important to note that this “Hit Your Totals” routine is merely a back-up option to the ideal 20-minute interval training workouts which are scientifically proven to burn nine times more fat than ordinary exercise (see my article How to Build 5-Minute Total Body Fat Burning Workouts for the Holidays for more info). Short rest periods between exercises create the optimal hormonal environment for rapid fat loss and lean muscle gain, where as the long rest periods (full recovery) between movements do not. However, it comes down to effective (“Hit Your Totals”) versus optimal (50-10 Total Body Circuit Interval Training Workouts), so be sure to at least be effective this holiday season!
Make sure to pick multi-joint, compound movements that hit as much of your body’s major muscle groups in the shortest amount of time possible (e.g. squats, deadlifts, lunges, push-ups, rows, etc.). Use the plan below as guide to build your own “Hit Your Totals” workout. Adjust the repetition ranges accordingly based on your current strength levels. The only thing you need is your body weight and adjustable dumbbells and/or resistance bands. Perform this plan up to three times per week, resting a day between workouts. Make sure to alternate between Plan A and Plan B for more variety. You can either hit your total by doing one exercise first (e.g. perform push-ups rest-pausing as needed until you get 100 total), or by simply employ circuit style training (e.g. 20 squats, 10 push-ups, 10 rows, repeat 10x throughout the day to hit your totals).
The Hit Your Total Workout For The Holidays
Plan A-
Body weight Squats or Hip Extensions: 100-200 total
Push-ups: 50-100 total
DB/Band Rows: 50-100 total
Plan B-
Body weight Lunges or Single-Leg Hip Extensions: 50-100/total per leg
Off Chair/Couch Dips: 50-100 total
DB/Band Curls: 50-100 total (feel free to swap pull-ups or pull-downs here if you have access to the equipment)
3.) Rage Against The Machines
Machines have made us an incredibly out of shape and overweight society. This holiday season make it a point to not use them! Now I don’t mean to say that you cannot drive to the mall during the holidays. However, when you get to the mall, try to park further away so you can do more walking to get inside. Avoid using elevators and escalators and opt for the stairs; all those steps truly do add up. Instead of having your naughty kids carry the bags, burn more calories by carrying the bags yourself (sorry, that was the former naughty kid in me raging, ha ha). Stay on your feet as much as possible and resist the temptation to let a robot or machine do the work for you.
4.) Engage in more outdoor holiday activities
I have been in some pretty incredible snowball fights in my day. Though I was always having a blast while pelting my friends behind cleverly built igloos, I was never aware of how exhausting a good snowball fight can truly be until I came indoors afterwards. My snowsuit was soaked with sweat and I had spent the last 30 minutes or so in total fight or flight mode. Talk about an awesome way to burn calories without even thinking about it! Get outdoors this holidays season and throw around the pigskin or have your very own “Ice Bowl.” Once again, all these calories here and there truly do add up and could make a difference between you fitting in your pants or ripping your pants by the time the clock strikes midnight this New Year!
Crank it!
PS- For the best personal training in Milwaukee, WI and a FREE 1-week trial to be world famous boot camps, please visit:
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Turkey Day Total Body Fat Loss Workouts with a Medicine Ball!
I know you're gonna do your thang and get your grub on come Turkey Day, so why not crank it with some total body med ball workouts so that you can actually earn the feast!
Remember, your body best handles sugary and starchy carbohydrates and higher calorie meals within 3 hours of intense exercise.
It's all done-for-you below so check it out, and if you really over do it, feel free to do the second med ball workout later in the day after the big meal ;)
5-Minute Total Body Fat Burning Workout#1- Med Ball
- You will alternate between 50 s of work (max reps or max hold) and a 10 s rest and transition for each exercise in the following 5-minute circuit
- Perform this 5-minute circuit 1-4x for a 5-20 minute total body workout based on your schedule (20 minutes for optimal results!)
Exercise#1- Double-Leg
Exercise#2- Push
Exercise#3- Single-Leg
Exercise#4- Pull
Exercise#5- Core
*switch sides half-way unless alternating or performing an even number of multiple sets
Exercise# Exercise Category Exercise Variation
1 Double-Leg MB Sumo Deadlifts
2 Push Lying MB Chest Passes
3 Single-Leg MB Alternating Lunge + Twist
4 Pull MB Alternating Rows
5 Core MB Upper Body Twists
Click the link below to view a complete done-for-you workout video demo @
5-Minute Total Body Fat Burning Workout#2- Med Ball
- You will alternate between 50 s of work (max reps or max hold) and a 10 s rest and transition for each exercise in the following 5-minute circuit
- Perform this 5-minute circuit 1-4x for a 5-20 minute total body workout based on your schedule (20 minutes for optimal results!)
Exercise#1- Double-Leg
Exercise#2- Push
Exercise#3- Single-Leg
Exercise#4- Pull
Exercise#5- Core
*switch sides half-way unless alternating or performing an even number of multiple sets
Exercise# Exercise Category Exercise Variation
1 Double-Leg MB Back Squats
2 Push MB Kneeling Shoulder Passes
3 Single-Leg MB Single-Leg Hip Extensions
4 Pull MB Alternating Bicep Curls
5 Core MB Leg Raises
Click the link below to view a complete done-for-you workout video demo @
Crank it!
Remember, your body best handles sugary and starchy carbohydrates and higher calorie meals within 3 hours of intense exercise.
It's all done-for-you below so check it out, and if you really over do it, feel free to do the second med ball workout later in the day after the big meal ;)
5-Minute Total Body Fat Burning Workout#1- Med Ball
- You will alternate between 50 s of work (max reps or max hold) and a 10 s rest and transition for each exercise in the following 5-minute circuit
- Perform this 5-minute circuit 1-4x for a 5-20 minute total body workout based on your schedule (20 minutes for optimal results!)
Exercise#1- Double-Leg
Exercise#2- Push
Exercise#3- Single-Leg
Exercise#4- Pull
Exercise#5- Core
*switch sides half-way unless alternating or performing an even number of multiple sets
Exercise# Exercise Category Exercise Variation
1 Double-Leg MB Sumo Deadlifts
2 Push Lying MB Chest Passes
3 Single-Leg MB Alternating Lunge + Twist
4 Pull MB Alternating Rows
5 Core MB Upper Body Twists
Click the link below to view a complete done-for-you workout video demo @
5-Minute Total Body Fat Burning Workout#2- Med Ball
- You will alternate between 50 s of work (max reps or max hold) and a 10 s rest and transition for each exercise in the following 5-minute circuit
- Perform this 5-minute circuit 1-4x for a 5-20 minute total body workout based on your schedule (20 minutes for optimal results!)
Exercise#1- Double-Leg
Exercise#2- Push
Exercise#3- Single-Leg
Exercise#4- Pull
Exercise#5- Core
*switch sides half-way unless alternating or performing an even number of multiple sets
Exercise# Exercise Category Exercise Variation
1 Double-Leg MB Back Squats
2 Push MB Kneeling Shoulder Passes
3 Single-Leg MB Single-Leg Hip Extensions
4 Pull MB Alternating Bicep Curls
5 Core MB Leg Raises
Click the link below to view a complete done-for-you workout video demo @
Crank it!
Monday, November 24, 2008
How to Use Your Thanksgiving Turkey to Create Healthy, Fat Blasting Meals
It's about that time of year again, when that big old bird comes out of the oven for Thanksgiving. People tend to associate Thanksgiving dinner with sinful excess and horrible holiday weight gain. Now you can blame stuffing, mashed potatoes with loads of butter and gravy, and pumpkin pie for that, but leave the sexy turkey out of it! After all, turkey is packed with lean protein that simultaneously elevates metabolism and promotes fat burning and lean muscle growth. It is also a lean protein, meaning there is very little fat in it, as long as you remove the skin.
Protein is the sole macronutrient responsible for building and repairing your body's tissue stores (fat and carbs simply provide energy). More specifically, regular protein intake is vital in accelerating the repair of muscle damage from high-intensity activities like strength training and cardio interval training. In addition, adequate protein intake every two to four hours is essential in maintaining your current levels of lean muscle mass. This is important because the more muscle you have the larger your metabolic engine, thus the more calories (and fat) you burn on a daily basis since muscle tissue requires lot of energy to sustain itself. Protein is also the least likely macronutrient to be stored as body fat and the mere act of digesting protein requires more than double the energy to digest than carbohydrate and dietary fat. So, if there is any food choice that you can truly get away with overeating this holiday season, it will be turkey.
Another key benefit to eating turkey is that it is easy to prepare in bulk and thus will save you much needed time in meal planning and preparation during the busy holiday season. You can roast a big old turkey and then have tons of meal options for days. Just think of what you can do with all those Thanksgiving leftovers! To inspire your turkey consumption efforts we've put together some awesome better body recipes that you can create with turkey as your lean protein foundation. Enjoy!
Turkey Salad
- 6-8 oz. Turkey Breast chopped into small cubes - 1⁄4 red bell pepper - 1⁄4 green bell pepper - 1⁄4 red onion - 2 Tbsp canola or olive oil mayo
Mix all ingredients together and enjoy over a bed of greens.
Makes one male serving and two female servings.
Turkey Cranberry Cream Cheese Roll-up
- 6-8 oz. Sliced Turkey - 1 Tbsp Fat Free Cream Cheese - 1 Tbsp Dried Cranberries - 1⁄2 Clove of Roasted Garlic - Salt and Pepper to taste - 2 Whole Grain Tortillas
Soak cranberries in water for 20 minutes or microwave until soft if you are short on time. Mash the 1⁄2 clove of garlic. Mix cranberries, garlic, and cream cheese. Add salt and pepper to taste. Spread the mixture into the inside of the tortilla(s). Add turkey breast. Fold up sides, roll up, and enjoy!
Makes one male serving and two female servings.
Turkey Medallions With Cranberry Glaze
Turkey Medallions: - 6-8 oz. Turkey - Non-stick spray Turkey Seasoning
Cut Turkey Breasts into small medallions, sprinkle lightly with seasoning. Reheat in a pan sprayed with non-stick oil on medium heat until lightly browned on both sides. Drip Cranberry glaze (below) over the medallions.
Cranberry Glaze: - 1 Cups Dry white wine - Turkey or chicken stock, as needed - 1 1⁄2 Cups Dried cranberries - 1⁄4 Cup of Pine nuts, toasted - Pinch of Salt
Add 1⁄2 cup of white wine and 1⁄2 cup of turkey stock to pan. Add other 1⁄2 cup of turkey stock, cranberries, pine nuts and pinch of salt. Cook over medium heat until reduced in volume by half, about 4 cups.
Makes one male serving and two female servings.
Turkey Shepherds Pie
- 2 cups cubed cooked turkey - 3⁄4 cup turkey gravy - 1 small can whole kernel corn - drained 1 cup of chicken stock - 1 cup of water - 3 cups steamed cauliflower - 2 cups celery, chopped 2 carrots - chopped 1 onion chopped 2 cloves garlic - minced 1 bell pepper, any color - chopped Salt and pepper
Preheat the oven to 325 degrees. First you must make the gravy. Take the garlic, 1 cup of celery, carrots, onion, bell pepper, chicken stock, water, vegetables, salt and pepper to taste. Add to a pot, boil until vegetables are soft and blend in a blender or food processor.
Next, you will take the steamed cauliflower and mash it, or place it in a food processor until the consistency is like that of mashed potatoes.
Next, in a baking dish, layer the turkey, gravy, corn, remaining celery and mashed cauliflower. Bake, uncovered at 325 degrees for 45-50 minutes.
Makes 2 male servings and one female serving.
Turkey Florentine
- 1 (10 ounce) package frozen chopped spinach - 2 tablespoons smart butter - 1 cup cooked whole grain fettuccine - 2 cups diced, cooked turkey - 1 cup turkey or chicken stock 1 - (8 ounce) package fat free sour cream and onion dip - 1⁄2 teaspoon onion salt - 2 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese - Non-stick cooking spray
Cook spinach according to package directions; drain. Stir in smart butter. Place noodles in a non-stick sprayed baking dish; top with spinach. Combine turkey, stock, onion dip and onion salt and spoon over spinach. Sprinkle with Parmesan. Bake, uncovered, at 325 degrees F for 25 minutes or until bubbly.
Turkey Green Bean Casserole
- 1 bag of frozen green beans - 6-8 oz. of cubed cooked turkey breast - 1 can of organic cream of mushroom soup - 2 cups Kraft all natural fat free cheese - Salt and Pepper to taste
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Mix all ingredients into a casserole dish and bake for about 30 minutes or until completely hot. Makes one male serving and two female servings.
Protein is the sole macronutrient responsible for building and repairing your body's tissue stores (fat and carbs simply provide energy). More specifically, regular protein intake is vital in accelerating the repair of muscle damage from high-intensity activities like strength training and cardio interval training. In addition, adequate protein intake every two to four hours is essential in maintaining your current levels of lean muscle mass. This is important because the more muscle you have the larger your metabolic engine, thus the more calories (and fat) you burn on a daily basis since muscle tissue requires lot of energy to sustain itself. Protein is also the least likely macronutrient to be stored as body fat and the mere act of digesting protein requires more than double the energy to digest than carbohydrate and dietary fat. So, if there is any food choice that you can truly get away with overeating this holiday season, it will be turkey.
Another key benefit to eating turkey is that it is easy to prepare in bulk and thus will save you much needed time in meal planning and preparation during the busy holiday season. You can roast a big old turkey and then have tons of meal options for days. Just think of what you can do with all those Thanksgiving leftovers! To inspire your turkey consumption efforts we've put together some awesome better body recipes that you can create with turkey as your lean protein foundation. Enjoy!
Turkey Salad
- 6-8 oz. Turkey Breast chopped into small cubes - 1⁄4 red bell pepper - 1⁄4 green bell pepper - 1⁄4 red onion - 2 Tbsp canola or olive oil mayo
Mix all ingredients together and enjoy over a bed of greens.
Makes one male serving and two female servings.
Turkey Cranberry Cream Cheese Roll-up
- 6-8 oz. Sliced Turkey - 1 Tbsp Fat Free Cream Cheese - 1 Tbsp Dried Cranberries - 1⁄2 Clove of Roasted Garlic - Salt and Pepper to taste - 2 Whole Grain Tortillas
Soak cranberries in water for 20 minutes or microwave until soft if you are short on time. Mash the 1⁄2 clove of garlic. Mix cranberries, garlic, and cream cheese. Add salt and pepper to taste. Spread the mixture into the inside of the tortilla(s). Add turkey breast. Fold up sides, roll up, and enjoy!
Makes one male serving and two female servings.
Turkey Medallions With Cranberry Glaze
Turkey Medallions: - 6-8 oz. Turkey - Non-stick spray Turkey Seasoning
Cut Turkey Breasts into small medallions, sprinkle lightly with seasoning. Reheat in a pan sprayed with non-stick oil on medium heat until lightly browned on both sides. Drip Cranberry glaze (below) over the medallions.
Cranberry Glaze: - 1 Cups Dry white wine - Turkey or chicken stock, as needed - 1 1⁄2 Cups Dried cranberries - 1⁄4 Cup of Pine nuts, toasted - Pinch of Salt
Add 1⁄2 cup of white wine and 1⁄2 cup of turkey stock to pan. Add other 1⁄2 cup of turkey stock, cranberries, pine nuts and pinch of salt. Cook over medium heat until reduced in volume by half, about 4 cups.
Makes one male serving and two female servings.
Turkey Shepherds Pie
- 2 cups cubed cooked turkey - 3⁄4 cup turkey gravy - 1 small can whole kernel corn - drained 1 cup of chicken stock - 1 cup of water - 3 cups steamed cauliflower - 2 cups celery, chopped 2 carrots - chopped 1 onion chopped 2 cloves garlic - minced 1 bell pepper, any color - chopped Salt and pepper
Preheat the oven to 325 degrees. First you must make the gravy. Take the garlic, 1 cup of celery, carrots, onion, bell pepper, chicken stock, water, vegetables, salt and pepper to taste. Add to a pot, boil until vegetables are soft and blend in a blender or food processor.
Next, you will take the steamed cauliflower and mash it, or place it in a food processor until the consistency is like that of mashed potatoes.
Next, in a baking dish, layer the turkey, gravy, corn, remaining celery and mashed cauliflower. Bake, uncovered at 325 degrees for 45-50 minutes.
Makes 2 male servings and one female serving.
Turkey Florentine
- 1 (10 ounce) package frozen chopped spinach - 2 tablespoons smart butter - 1 cup cooked whole grain fettuccine - 2 cups diced, cooked turkey - 1 cup turkey or chicken stock 1 - (8 ounce) package fat free sour cream and onion dip - 1⁄2 teaspoon onion salt - 2 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese - Non-stick cooking spray
Cook spinach according to package directions; drain. Stir in smart butter. Place noodles in a non-stick sprayed baking dish; top with spinach. Combine turkey, stock, onion dip and onion salt and spoon over spinach. Sprinkle with Parmesan. Bake, uncovered, at 325 degrees F for 25 minutes or until bubbly.
Turkey Green Bean Casserole
- 1 bag of frozen green beans - 6-8 oz. of cubed cooked turkey breast - 1 can of organic cream of mushroom soup - 2 cups Kraft all natural fat free cheese - Salt and Pepper to taste
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Mix all ingredients into a casserole dish and bake for about 30 minutes or until completely hot. Makes one male serving and two female servings.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Kettlebell Workouts for Fat Loss!
One of my favorite training tools is from Russia with love:
They offer a unique twist on dumbbells that can add some much needed variety to your training routine.
It's also the best tool for my favorite fat loss exercise: SWINGS
Check out some great circuit training
5-Minute Total Body Fat Burning Workout#1- Kettlebells
- You will alternate between 50 s of work (max reps or max hold) and a 10 s rest and transition for each exercise in the following 5-minute circuit
- Perform this 5-minute circuit 1-4x for a 5-20 minute total body workout based on your schedule (20 minutes for optimal results!)
Exercise#1- Double-Leg
Exercise#2- Push
Exercise#3- Single-Leg
Exercise#4- Pull
Exercise#5- Core
*switch sides half-way unless alternating or performing an even number of multiple sets
Exercise# Exercise Category Exercise Variation
1 Double-Leg KB Swings
2 Push Dynamic Back Pillar + 1-Arm KB Chest Press
3 Single-Leg KB Step-ups
4 Pull KB Alternating Rows
5 Core KB Alternating Rotating Extensions
5-Minute Total Body Fat Burning Workout#2- Kettlebells
- You will alternate between 50 s of work (max reps or max hold) and a 10 s rest and transition for each exercise in the following 5-minute circuit
- Perform this 5-minute circuit 1-4x for a 5-20 minute total body workout based on your schedule (20 minutes for optimal results!)
Exercise#1- Double-Leg
Exercise#2- Push
Exercise#3- Single-Leg
Exercise#4- Pull
Exercise#5- Core
*switch sides half-way unless alternating or performing an even number of multiple sets
Exercise# Exercise Category Exercise Variation
1 Double-Leg 1-Arm Overhead Squat
2 Push KB Single-Leg Shoulder Presses
3 Single-Leg KB Alternating RDLs
4 Pull KB Single-Leg Bicep Curls
5 Core KB Side Bends
Crank it!
PS- If you are a trainer, coach, or instructor looking for music interval soundtracks so that you can crank it with kettlebells for your boot camps or corporate fitness programs, check out:
They offer a unique twist on dumbbells that can add some much needed variety to your training routine.
It's also the best tool for my favorite fat loss exercise: SWINGS
Check out some great circuit training
5-Minute Total Body Fat Burning Workout#1- Kettlebells
- You will alternate between 50 s of work (max reps or max hold) and a 10 s rest and transition for each exercise in the following 5-minute circuit
- Perform this 5-minute circuit 1-4x for a 5-20 minute total body workout based on your schedule (20 minutes for optimal results!)
Exercise#1- Double-Leg
Exercise#2- Push
Exercise#3- Single-Leg
Exercise#4- Pull
Exercise#5- Core
*switch sides half-way unless alternating or performing an even number of multiple sets
Exercise# Exercise Category Exercise Variation
1 Double-Leg KB Swings
2 Push Dynamic Back Pillar + 1-Arm KB Chest Press
3 Single-Leg KB Step-ups
4 Pull KB Alternating Rows
5 Core KB Alternating Rotating Extensions
5-Minute Total Body Fat Burning Workout#2- Kettlebells
- You will alternate between 50 s of work (max reps or max hold) and a 10 s rest and transition for each exercise in the following 5-minute circuit
- Perform this 5-minute circuit 1-4x for a 5-20 minute total body workout based on your schedule (20 minutes for optimal results!)
Exercise#1- Double-Leg
Exercise#2- Push
Exercise#3- Single-Leg
Exercise#4- Pull
Exercise#5- Core
*switch sides half-way unless alternating or performing an even number of multiple sets
Exercise# Exercise Category Exercise Variation
1 Double-Leg 1-Arm Overhead Squat
2 Push KB Single-Leg Shoulder Presses
3 Single-Leg KB Alternating RDLs
4 Pull KB Single-Leg Bicep Curls
5 Core KB Side Bends
Crank it!
PS- If you are a trainer, coach, or instructor looking for music interval soundtracks so that you can crank it with kettlebells for your boot camps or corporate fitness programs, check out:
Monday, November 17, 2008
Leading Fitness Experts Give The Gift Of Health To World With Biggest Ever Health and Fitness Giveaway This Festive Season
On Wednesday, December 10, Dax Moy and over 250 of the world's top fitness professionals will open the doors on the World’s largest ever health and fitness gift-giving, set to generate positive health for over 500,000 people this Christmas
The program, called ’12 days of fitness’ initially began when the UK's leading fitness professional, Dax Moy, wanted to express his gratitude to his clients and offered them a gift a day for 12 consecutive days as his twist of the 12 Days of Christmas.
Last year Moy shared this idea with fellow fitness professional Pat Rigsby and they expanded the 12 Days of Fitness to include not only their own clients but to the world at large and gave fitness gifts to over 200,000 people who signed up at the site at www.12daysoffitness.com.
This year, with the help of 250 of the world's top personal trainers, nutritionists, therapists and specialist fitness experts, the 12 days of fitness is set to become the biggest fitness gift giveaway in history with expected downloads of over 500,000 between the 10th and 22nd of December. "There’s never been another health event like this, where so many people stand to benefit from the expertise of true professionals for free” says Moy who has been working flat out to make this year’s 12 days a success.
“Fitness professionals from around the globe have contributed hundreds of e-books, reports, videos, meal plans and other free gifts in their hope of making 2009 the year that anyone, regardless or their location, financial situation or past failures, can finally reach their fitness goals and make those New Year's Resolutions a reality once and for all.”
Perhaps the best part of the 12 Days of Fitness giveaway is that regardless of a persons health or fitness goals, there are going to be gifts specifically designed to help them achieve success.
"We've received gifts designed for busy mom's, elite athletes, bodybuilders, back pain sufferers and pretty much anyone else you can imagine covering everything from fat loss to rehabilitation and everything in between.
There literally will be something for everyone this year and all of it free, making it, without a doubt, one of the most important gifts anyone will receive this year. After all, what’s more important than health?”
The 12 days of gift giving starts December 10th but those interested are urged to visit www.12daysoffitness.com right away to sign up for their free gifts.
Once enrolled, participants will get a daily email telling them how to access each of the new gifts that are being added each day as well as a reminder on how to access previous gifts.
To guarantee a healthy start to 2009, simply visit www.12daysoffitness.com today.
The program, called ’12 days of fitness’ initially began when the UK's leading fitness professional, Dax Moy, wanted to express his gratitude to his clients and offered them a gift a day for 12 consecutive days as his twist of the 12 Days of Christmas.
Last year Moy shared this idea with fellow fitness professional Pat Rigsby and they expanded the 12 Days of Fitness to include not only their own clients but to the world at large and gave fitness gifts to over 200,000 people who signed up at the site at www.12daysoffitness.com.
This year, with the help of 250 of the world's top personal trainers, nutritionists, therapists and specialist fitness experts, the 12 days of fitness is set to become the biggest fitness gift giveaway in history with expected downloads of over 500,000 between the 10th and 22nd of December. "There’s never been another health event like this, where so many people stand to benefit from the expertise of true professionals for free” says Moy who has been working flat out to make this year’s 12 days a success.
“Fitness professionals from around the globe have contributed hundreds of e-books, reports, videos, meal plans and other free gifts in their hope of making 2009 the year that anyone, regardless or their location, financial situation or past failures, can finally reach their fitness goals and make those New Year's Resolutions a reality once and for all.”
Perhaps the best part of the 12 Days of Fitness giveaway is that regardless of a persons health or fitness goals, there are going to be gifts specifically designed to help them achieve success.
"We've received gifts designed for busy mom's, elite athletes, bodybuilders, back pain sufferers and pretty much anyone else you can imagine covering everything from fat loss to rehabilitation and everything in between.
There literally will be something for everyone this year and all of it free, making it, without a doubt, one of the most important gifts anyone will receive this year. After all, what’s more important than health?”
The 12 days of gift giving starts December 10th but those interested are urged to visit www.12daysoffitness.com right away to sign up for their free gifts.
Once enrolled, participants will get a daily email telling them how to access each of the new gifts that are being added each day as well as a reminder on how to access previous gifts.
To guarantee a healthy start to 2009, simply visit www.12daysoffitness.com today.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Total Body Fat Loss Circuits with Dumbbells
You simply cannot beat dumbbell exercises for portability and convenience!
I recommend that ladies use 8-15+ lbs hex dumbbells and guys use 15-30+ lbs dumbbells with the following total body fat loss circuit training workouts:
5-Minute Total Body Fat Burning Workouts- Dumbbells
- You will alternate between 50 s of work (max reps or max hold) and a 10 s rest and transition for each exercise in the following 5-minute circuit
- Perform this 5-minute circuit 1-4x for a 5-20 minute total body workout based on your schedule (20 minutes for optimal results!)
Exercise#1- Double-Leg
Exercise#2- Push
Exercise#3- Single-Leg
Exercise#4- Pull
Exercise#5- Core
*switch sides half-way unless alternating or performing an even number of multiple sets
Exercise# Exercise Category Exercise Variation
1 Double-Leg DB RDL
2 Push DB T-Push-ups
3 Single-Leg DB Rear Foot Elevated Lunges
4 Pull DB Push-up Rows
5 Core DB Diagonal Overhead Chip
Exercise# Exercise Category Exercise Variation
1 Double-Leg DB Braced Core Squat
2 Push DB Alternating Split Stance Shoulder Press
3 Single-Leg DB Single-Leg Good Mornings
4 Pull DB Alternating Split Stance Curl
5 Core DB Reach and Rotate Side Pillar

Crank it!
PS- The Ultimate Holiday Survival Guide is coming MONDAY!!! It will feature workout and nutrition e-books and a 50-10 holiday themed workout muse audio interval mp3 soundtrack so you can press play to listen and lose fat fast with these great circuit training workouts!
What's the best part?
I recommend that ladies use 8-15+ lbs hex dumbbells and guys use 15-30+ lbs dumbbells with the following total body fat loss circuit training workouts:
5-Minute Total Body Fat Burning Workouts- Dumbbells
- You will alternate between 50 s of work (max reps or max hold) and a 10 s rest and transition for each exercise in the following 5-minute circuit
- Perform this 5-minute circuit 1-4x for a 5-20 minute total body workout based on your schedule (20 minutes for optimal results!)
Exercise#1- Double-Leg
Exercise#2- Push
Exercise#3- Single-Leg
Exercise#4- Pull
Exercise#5- Core
*switch sides half-way unless alternating or performing an even number of multiple sets
Exercise# Exercise Category Exercise Variation
1 Double-Leg DB RDL
2 Push DB T-Push-ups
3 Single-Leg DB Rear Foot Elevated Lunges
4 Pull DB Push-up Rows
5 Core DB Diagonal Overhead Chip
Exercise# Exercise Category Exercise Variation
1 Double-Leg DB Braced Core Squat
2 Push DB Alternating Split Stance Shoulder Press
3 Single-Leg DB Single-Leg Good Mornings
4 Pull DB Alternating Split Stance Curl
5 Core DB Reach and Rotate Side Pillar

Crank it!
PS- The Ultimate Holiday Survival Guide is coming MONDAY!!! It will feature workout and nutrition e-books and a 50-10 holiday themed workout muse audio interval mp3 soundtrack so you can press play to listen and lose fat fast with these great circuit training workouts!
What's the best part?
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Bodyweight Exercises- Classic Circuit Training Workouts For Fat Loss Using Your Bodyweight ONLY!
Last week I showed you how to build the ultimate circuit training workout for rapid fat loss...
Today, I've got 2 done-for-you circuit interval workouts using bodyweight exercises ONLY!
These 2 workouts are contain the foundational bodyweight exercises that all of my boot camp clients master to look better naked fast, enjoy ;)
5-Minute Total Body Fat Burning Workouts- Body Weight
- You will alternate between 50 s of work (max reps or max hold) and a 10 s rest and transition for each exercise in the following 5-minute circuit
- Perform this 5-minute circuit 1-4x for a 5-20 minute total body workout based on your schedule (20 minutes for optimal results!)
Exercise#1- Double-Leg
Exercise#2- Push
Exercise#3- Single-Leg
Exercise#4- Pull
Exercise#5- Core
*switch sides half-way unless alternating or performing an even number of multiple sets
Exercise# Exercise Category Exercise Variation
1 Double-Leg Hip Extensions
2 Push Push-ups
3 Single-Leg Lunges
4 Pull Rows
5 Core Front Pillar Hold
Bodyweight Workout A
Bodyweight Workout B
Crank it!
PS- If you are a trainer looking for the 50-10 audio interval training mp3 soundtrack so you can automate workouts liked these for your boot camps with a simple click of a button, then check out www.WorkoutMusePro.com
Today, I've got 2 done-for-you circuit interval workouts using bodyweight exercises ONLY!
These 2 workouts are contain the foundational bodyweight exercises that all of my boot camp clients master to look better naked fast, enjoy ;)
5-Minute Total Body Fat Burning Workouts- Body Weight
- You will alternate between 50 s of work (max reps or max hold) and a 10 s rest and transition for each exercise in the following 5-minute circuit
- Perform this 5-minute circuit 1-4x for a 5-20 minute total body workout based on your schedule (20 minutes for optimal results!)
Exercise#1- Double-Leg
Exercise#2- Push
Exercise#3- Single-Leg
Exercise#4- Pull
Exercise#5- Core
*switch sides half-way unless alternating or performing an even number of multiple sets
Exercise# Exercise Category Exercise Variation
1 Double-Leg Hip Extensions
2 Push Push-ups
3 Single-Leg Lunges
4 Pull Rows
5 Core Front Pillar Hold
Bodyweight Workout A
Bodyweight Workout B
Crank it!
PS- If you are a trainer looking for the 50-10 audio interval training mp3 soundtrack so you can automate workouts liked these for your boot camps with a simple click of a button, then check out www.WorkoutMusePro.com
Thursday, November 6, 2008
How to Build the Ultimate Circuit Training Workout for Rapid Fat Loss
In the past, the cornerstone of most resistance training workouts has been performing exercises in a straight set format. Essentially, this means you perform a certain number of reps for a given exercise or you perform as many reps as possible for a given exercise and then you rest anywhere from 30 seconds to five minutes based on your training goals before repeating this set a certain number of times based on your goals. For more of a fat loss and lean muscle gain emphasis shorter rest periods are ideal. For more of a strength or power emphasis, longer rest periods are prescribed.
So, what’s the problem with this format? Well, though straight sets are extremely easy to comprehend for people new to fitness, they are also an extremely inefficient way to order your exercises. In most commercial gyms you’ll typically see someone perform three sets of 10 reps for let’s say the bench press. They pump out 10 reps, go to the water fountain, talk with some buddies, watch a couple of highlights on ESPN, and then gingerly walk back to the bench area to hit up their second set. In general, most people, guys in particular, tend to take about 3-5 minutes between sets. In the case of three sets of 10 on the bench that means it would take up to 15 minutes to complete only one movement pattern (a horizontal push). That means you’d need at least in hour to perform four different exercises!
A much more effective and time-efficient approach to ordering your exercises is utilizing the alternating set format. Here you’ll perform one exercise, rest for a short period of time, then perform another non-competing exercise, rest for a short period of time, and so forth. Alternating sets allow you to work different areas of your body when you would otherwise be resting with the straight set format. Plus, by working another area of your body with a non-competing exercise you allow your body to recover from the previous exercise(s). The result is improved training economy and density: more work accomplished in less time, the cornerstone of any sound fat loss program. There are several ways to perform alternating sets outlined below:
1.) Supersets: Alternate between two different non-competing exercises (e.g. upper body and lower body such as push-ups and lunges)
2.) Trisets: Alternate between three different exercises (e.g. push, pull, and lower body such as push-ups, rows, and lunges)
3.) Circuits: Alternate between four or more different exercises
Though supersets and trisets are excellent alternating set options, I believe circuit training is by the far the best option time and time again. To demonstrate why, let’s examine my favorite circuit training template using timed set intervals:
The 50-10 Five Exercise Circuit: You will alternate between 50 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest for all five exercises in the following 5-minute circuit:
Exercise#1- Squats
Exercise#2- Dips
Exercise#3- Single-Leg Hip Extensions
Exercise#4- Pull-ups
Exercise#5- Leg Raises
Perform this circuit up to four times for a 20-minute total body fat burning workout.
Basically, in the same 15 minutes that it took to get in three sets on the bench you could have gotten in three sets of five different exercise for a staggering total of 15 work sets! Plus, the intensity on each exercise will be just as high as in the straight set format because in this five exercise circuit you will have full recovery with over four minutes before you return to any given exercise (just as you did with the straight set format described earlier).
To recap, the key to creating the optimal hormonal environment for fat loss is to perform each exercise with maximal intensity while separated by brief rest periods in order to accumulate a high volume of total body work in the shortest amount of time possible. Circuit training provides for the best of both worlds and is thus simply unmatched for simultaneously maximizing fat loss and lean muscle gain. Use the following template I use with my many boot camp clients for some killer, yet simple fat loss circuits:
Exercise#1- Double-Leg
Exercise#2- Push
Exercise#3- Single-Leg
Exercise#4- Pull
Exercise#5- Core
Here is a great workout video showing you a great circuit you can perform anywhere:
I’ll be sharing some more great circuit training workouts from my boot camps in the days and weeks to come ;)
Crank it!
PS- If you are a trainer looking to run these same automated interval circuits set to music, then you need to check out www.WorkoutMusePro TODAY!
PPS- We've got a great HOLIDAY-THEMED 50-10 Five Exercise Circuit Soundtrack that will be available real soon ;)
So, what’s the problem with this format? Well, though straight sets are extremely easy to comprehend for people new to fitness, they are also an extremely inefficient way to order your exercises. In most commercial gyms you’ll typically see someone perform three sets of 10 reps for let’s say the bench press. They pump out 10 reps, go to the water fountain, talk with some buddies, watch a couple of highlights on ESPN, and then gingerly walk back to the bench area to hit up their second set. In general, most people, guys in particular, tend to take about 3-5 minutes between sets. In the case of three sets of 10 on the bench that means it would take up to 15 minutes to complete only one movement pattern (a horizontal push). That means you’d need at least in hour to perform four different exercises!
A much more effective and time-efficient approach to ordering your exercises is utilizing the alternating set format. Here you’ll perform one exercise, rest for a short period of time, then perform another non-competing exercise, rest for a short period of time, and so forth. Alternating sets allow you to work different areas of your body when you would otherwise be resting with the straight set format. Plus, by working another area of your body with a non-competing exercise you allow your body to recover from the previous exercise(s). The result is improved training economy and density: more work accomplished in less time, the cornerstone of any sound fat loss program. There are several ways to perform alternating sets outlined below:
1.) Supersets: Alternate between two different non-competing exercises (e.g. upper body and lower body such as push-ups and lunges)
2.) Trisets: Alternate between three different exercises (e.g. push, pull, and lower body such as push-ups, rows, and lunges)
3.) Circuits: Alternate between four or more different exercises
Though supersets and trisets are excellent alternating set options, I believe circuit training is by the far the best option time and time again. To demonstrate why, let’s examine my favorite circuit training template using timed set intervals:
The 50-10 Five Exercise Circuit: You will alternate between 50 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest for all five exercises in the following 5-minute circuit:
Exercise#1- Squats
Exercise#2- Dips
Exercise#3- Single-Leg Hip Extensions
Exercise#4- Pull-ups
Exercise#5- Leg Raises
Perform this circuit up to four times for a 20-minute total body fat burning workout.
Basically, in the same 15 minutes that it took to get in three sets on the bench you could have gotten in three sets of five different exercise for a staggering total of 15 work sets! Plus, the intensity on each exercise will be just as high as in the straight set format because in this five exercise circuit you will have full recovery with over four minutes before you return to any given exercise (just as you did with the straight set format described earlier).
To recap, the key to creating the optimal hormonal environment for fat loss is to perform each exercise with maximal intensity while separated by brief rest periods in order to accumulate a high volume of total body work in the shortest amount of time possible. Circuit training provides for the best of both worlds and is thus simply unmatched for simultaneously maximizing fat loss and lean muscle gain. Use the following template I use with my many boot camp clients for some killer, yet simple fat loss circuits:
Exercise#1- Double-Leg
Exercise#2- Push
Exercise#3- Single-Leg
Exercise#4- Pull
Exercise#5- Core
Here is a great workout video showing you a great circuit you can perform anywhere:
I’ll be sharing some more great circuit training workouts from my boot camps in the days and weeks to come ;)
Crank it!
PS- If you are a trainer looking to run these same automated interval circuits set to music, then you need to check out www.WorkoutMusePro TODAY!
PPS- We've got a great HOLIDAY-THEMED 50-10 Five Exercise Circuit Soundtrack that will be available real soon ;)
circuit training,
fat loss,
interval training,
workout music
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
The Ultimate Holiday Survival Roundtable- Learn how to save your waistline this Holiday season...
Some of us are dangerously on track for the typical 5-10+ lb weight gain that the average American faces during the post-Halloween months of November and December.
So what I decided to do was gather some of the best fat loss experts from around the world to do a no-holds barred holiday survival roundtable to help YOU save your waistline this holiday season BJ!
Click the link below to listen to this amazing F.R.E.E podcast where we spill the beans about the training and nutrition strategies that we have collectively used with thousands of people to maintain, if not lose, weight during the holidays:
Holiday Survival Roundtable Podcast
There is simply a ridiculous amount of f.r.e.e content here. You' be crazy not to take advantage of it.
And please be sure to forward this link to any friends or family members to whom you feel may benefit from it ;)
Crank it!
PS- The Ultimate Holiday Survival Kit is coming your way very soon. It will feature f.r.e.e workout and nutrition e-books to help you maintain your sexy this holiday season. And because we love you so much and are so very grateful for your loyal support, it's on us ;)
PPS- If you are a trainer, please feel free to provide this link for the podcast to your list to help them get through this very challenging time for fitness ;)
So what I decided to do was gather some of the best fat loss experts from around the world to do a no-holds barred holiday survival roundtable to help YOU save your waistline this holiday season BJ!
Click the link below to listen to this amazing F.R.E.E podcast where we spill the beans about the training and nutrition strategies that we have collectively used with thousands of people to maintain, if not lose, weight during the holidays:
Holiday Survival Roundtable Podcast
There is simply a ridiculous amount of f.r.e.e content here. You' be crazy not to take advantage of it.
And please be sure to forward this link to any friends or family members to whom you feel may benefit from it ;)
Crank it!
PS- The Ultimate Holiday Survival Kit is coming your way very soon. It will feature f.r.e.e workout and nutrition e-books to help you maintain your sexy this holiday season. And because we love you so much and are so very grateful for your loyal support, it's on us ;)
PPS- If you are a trainer, please feel free to provide this link for the podcast to your list to help them get through this very challenging time for fitness ;)
fat loss,
weight loss,
workout muse,
workout music
Monday, November 3, 2008
80 and 85 Years Young: Ageless Tabatas Workouts and Chicken Piccatta Recipe!
On Friday, I showed you a 9-year old cranking it to Workout Muse. Click the video below if you didn't see it yet:
Today, I'm gonna show you two people who are 80 and 85 years young, cranking it to Tabatas.
They are two long-time clients of my good friend and Kansas City's FIRST personal trainer Greg Justice.
Really, this sums about what it's all about to me... living life to fullest and making no excuses! Fitness is classless, raceless, genderless, and AGELESS:
Plus, I've got a great chicken piccatta recipe below for you that will help jump start your fat loss and lean muscle gain efforts ;)
Crank it!
This is one of my favorite Italian recipes. Most would NEVER think of it as a
health food, but this modified version is loaded with protein and healthy fats! The following serving sizes are for males, so ladies, please be sure to use of the suggested amounts below:
Naomi’s Chicken Piccatta (CP)
6-8 oz. of boneless chicken breasts, thinly sliced
1/4 cup of ground almond meal (other nut meal may be substituted)
1/4 cup of egg white
Salt to taste
1 tbsp Italian seasonings
Non-stick cooking spray
1 fresh lemon or 3 tbsp of pure lemon juice
1 cup of white cooking wine
2 tbsp of jarred capers with juice
3 sprigs of parsley
Line a baking sheet with non-stick spray and preheat the oven at 325 degrees.
Place egg whites in a small bowl. Take ground almond meal, salt, and Italian
seasonings, and blend together with fingers in a flat plate. Using a fork, pick up
a piece of chicken and dip it into the egg white mixture. Allow the chicken to
hover over the bowl for a few seconds to let the excess egg white drip off. Take
the chicken and lay it on top of the almond meal mixture, patting it down with
the fork, do the same on the other side until it is mostly covered. Place the
chicken onto the baking sheet and repeat until all your chicken is coated. Place
baking sheet in the oven.
For the sauce, place small pan over medium heat. Once the pan is hot, spoon
the capers making sure to use as much of the juice as possible. Place them into
the pan. Pour the white wine into the pan and stir. Finally cut the lemon in half
and pit it and squeeze one half of the lemon into the mixture or pour the 3 tbsp
of pure lemon juice. Stir until little bubbles form and then place on very low heat
to keep warm.
Once the chicken is golden on one side, flip it over and let the other side cook for
an additional 5 minutes. Remove the chicken from the oven and place into the
sauce. Serve by placing the chicken on a plate and pouring the remaining sauce
on top. For an extra kick, you can grate and sprinkle a little lemon zest and
parsley on top of the dish. You may garnish by slicing the other lemon half
and/or by using a few sprigs of parsley.
PS- If you want more recipes like this from our rapid fat loss nutrition system ETERNAL EATING, check out www.RapidFatLossCardio.com
Today, I'm gonna show you two people who are 80 and 85 years young, cranking it to Tabatas.
They are two long-time clients of my good friend and Kansas City's FIRST personal trainer Greg Justice.
Really, this sums about what it's all about to me... living life to fullest and making no excuses! Fitness is classless, raceless, genderless, and AGELESS:
Plus, I've got a great chicken piccatta recipe below for you that will help jump start your fat loss and lean muscle gain efforts ;)
Crank it!
This is one of my favorite Italian recipes. Most would NEVER think of it as a
health food, but this modified version is loaded with protein and healthy fats! The following serving sizes are for males, so ladies, please be sure to use of the suggested amounts below:
Naomi’s Chicken Piccatta (CP)
6-8 oz. of boneless chicken breasts, thinly sliced
1/4 cup of ground almond meal (other nut meal may be substituted)
1/4 cup of egg white
Salt to taste
1 tbsp Italian seasonings
Non-stick cooking spray
1 fresh lemon or 3 tbsp of pure lemon juice
1 cup of white cooking wine
2 tbsp of jarred capers with juice
3 sprigs of parsley
Line a baking sheet with non-stick spray and preheat the oven at 325 degrees.
Place egg whites in a small bowl. Take ground almond meal, salt, and Italian
seasonings, and blend together with fingers in a flat plate. Using a fork, pick up
a piece of chicken and dip it into the egg white mixture. Allow the chicken to
hover over the bowl for a few seconds to let the excess egg white drip off. Take
the chicken and lay it on top of the almond meal mixture, patting it down with
the fork, do the same on the other side until it is mostly covered. Place the
chicken onto the baking sheet and repeat until all your chicken is coated. Place
baking sheet in the oven.
For the sauce, place small pan over medium heat. Once the pan is hot, spoon
the capers making sure to use as much of the juice as possible. Place them into
the pan. Pour the white wine into the pan and stir. Finally cut the lemon in half
and pit it and squeeze one half of the lemon into the mixture or pour the 3 tbsp
of pure lemon juice. Stir until little bubbles form and then place on very low heat
to keep warm.
Once the chicken is golden on one side, flip it over and let the other side cook for
an additional 5 minutes. Remove the chicken from the oven and place into the
sauce. Serve by placing the chicken on a plate and pouring the remaining sauce
on top. For an extra kick, you can grate and sprinkle a little lemon zest and
parsley on top of the dish. You may garnish by slicing the other lemon half
and/or by using a few sprigs of parsley.
PS- If you want more recipes like this from our rapid fat loss nutrition system ETERNAL EATING, check out www.RapidFatLossCardio.com
interval training,
tabata protocol,
workout music
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