I recommend that ladies use 8-15+ lbs hex dumbbells and guys use 15-30+ lbs dumbbells with the following total body fat loss circuit training workouts:
5-Minute Total Body Fat Burning Workouts- Dumbbells
- You will alternate between 50 s of work (max reps or max hold) and a 10 s rest and transition for each exercise in the following 5-minute circuit
- Perform this 5-minute circuit 1-4x for a 5-20 minute total body workout based on your schedule (20 minutes for optimal results!)
Exercise#1- Double-Leg
Exercise#2- Push
Exercise#3- Single-Leg
Exercise#4- Pull
Exercise#5- Core
*switch sides half-way unless alternating or performing an even number of multiple sets
Exercise# Exercise Category Exercise Variation
1 Double-Leg DB RDL
2 Push DB T-Push-ups
3 Single-Leg DB Rear Foot Elevated Lunges
4 Pull DB Push-up Rows
5 Core DB Diagonal Overhead Chip
Exercise# Exercise Category Exercise Variation
1 Double-Leg DB Braced Core Squat
2 Push DB Alternating Split Stance Shoulder Press
3 Single-Leg DB Single-Leg Good Mornings
4 Pull DB Alternating Split Stance Curl
5 Core DB Reach and Rotate Side Pillar

Crank it!
PS- The Ultimate Holiday Survival Guide is coming MONDAY!!! It will feature workout and nutrition e-books and a 50-10 holiday themed workout muse audio interval mp3 soundtrack so you can press play to listen and lose fat fast with these great circuit training workouts!
What's the best part?