Wednesday, June 4, 2008

29 DIFFERENT Way to do Push-ups!

Believe it or not, one of my favorite exercises is the good old push-up.

Most people freak when I say this because most of us have bad memories of endless push-ups in gym class or as punishment conditioning for sports.

These experiences have led most people to cast push-ups off to the side as a useless exercise because they are considered to be TOO HARD and TOO BORING!

Well, I am about to show you a video that will change all of this and make you a true believer in the endless possibilities of a push-up!

A push-up is the best upper body exercise in existence because it essentially is a total body movement that works the whole front side of your body (and more with some of the more advanced push-up variations we'll demo in the video).

Plus, a push-up is one of the BEST EXERCISES FOR FLAT, SEXY ABS! Your ability to perform push-ups optimally is directly related to your CORE'S ability to stay tight and stabilize throughout the movement preventing any weak links between your upper and lower body.

In other words, do push-ups for 6-pack abs!

To see 29 different ways to do push-ups for 6-pack abs, please click the link below (you may have to copy and paste this link into your browser):

My personal favorite is the running push-up which really smokes your abs!

Add these options into your own workout routine to mix things up and keep your body changing.

It's time to start having FUN with push-ups ;)

Listen and Lose Fat,

BJ Gaddour, CSCS