Sunday, August 24, 2008

David Beckham's NEW and IMPROVED Cardio Workout!

In the September issue of Men’s Health (one of my favorite magazines), there was an excellent article about David Beckham’s cardio workouts.

Of course, I wasn’t surprised that all of his cardio workouts incorporate some form of interval training because of the simple fact that interval training is scientifically proven to provide greater improvements in fitness and greater fat loss than the outdated and primitive aerobic training alternative.

But, while I was reading over the workout, I was struck with what I’d describe as THE MISSING LINK to most cardio routines for athletes AND for fat loss.

Typical cardio programs have you run in a straight line forever at a SLOW SPEED. Pretty easy…

And while the original Men’s Health program was much better because it uses intervals, it still recommends running in a straight line. Not that difficult…

But the modified cardio program I created for YOU below uses intervals and shuttle runs in 10 yard increments that require constant stop-and-go and change of direction (you can modify the distance as desired). Now this cranks the intensity up to a whole new level!

Deceleration describes your body’s ability to change direction and it requires a great deal of body control and energy expenditure compared to straight line running. Thus stop-and-go shuttles not only are much more sport-specific (read David Beckham is an international soccer star not a marathon runner) but it also leads to great calorie burning and thus greater fat loss!

So, check out the NEW and IMPROVED David Beckham Cardio Workout for Rapid Fat Loss:

Rapid Fat Loss Interval: 60 s on, 60 s off

- Set-up 2 cones 10 yards apart to build the “shuttle”

- Perform one or any combination of the following cardio exercises as listed within the confines of the 10 yard shuttle:

Cardio Exercise#1- Sprint-Sprint Shuttle @ 60 s on, 60 s off

Cardio Exercise#2- Sprint-Backpedal Shuttle @ 60 s on, 60 s off

Cardio Exercise#3- Shuffle-Shuffle Shuttle @ 60 s on, 60 s off

Cardio Exercise#4- Shuffle-Crossover Run Shuttle @ 60 s on, 60 s off

Crank it!


PS- To get your very own pair of THE ULTIMATE RAPID FAT LOSS WORKOUT HEADPHONES that I use every day to workout, click the link below: