Wednesday, October 22, 2008

One Exercises Workouts To Burn Belly Fat and Lose Weight Fast!

Today I want emphasize the revolutionary concept of combination exercises.

Essentially a combination exercise is where you take one exercise and combine it with one or more exercises (thus the name).

For example, let's say you are doing a dumbbell lunge to work your lower body.

Well if you added a curl to press at the end of each lunge, you would supercharge this exercise form a lower body exercise to a TOTAL body exercise.

That means more muscles worked and more calories burnt which in turn means a greater metabolic boost and greater fat loss.

Now the coolest thing about combination exercises like the dumbbell lunge+curl to press is that all it takes is one of these total body exercises to give yourself a complete total body workout!

Click the link below to see some of our favorite combination exercises, including the dumbbell lunge+curl to press:

By using total body exercises in your total body workouts you will get better total body results ;)

Crank it!


PS- I was going to launch the ONE EXERCISE WORKOUTS using these total body exercises this week, but frankly I came up with a couple more ideas that I just had to put into play, so check out this video above for now to keep yourself busy until this Monday when it will be ready for you baby!