Sunday, September 14, 2008

The Fat Loss Trifecta: Using Trisets To Burn Belly Fat and Build Lean, Sexy Muscle!

We use trisets a lot in our rapid fat loss programs.

A triset consists of alternating between 3 different exercises back-to-back-to-back. It is best to use non-competing movements to form the ideal fat loss triset to allow for optimal training intensity.

Typically, we use the following triset format for an incredible 20-minute total body EXPRESS workout:

Triset#1- 10 Minutes

Exercise#1- Lower Body Exercise
Exercise#2- Upper Body Exercise
Exercise#3- Core Exercise

Triset#2- 10 Minutes

Exercise#1- Lower Body Exercise
Exercise#2- Upper Body Exercise
Exercise#3- Cardio Exercise

To see a done-for-you belly fat-burning workout featuring some really cool exercises from one of our fitness boot camps, click the link below:

This workout is different from any other Triset format you have ever seen as it features our 30-60-90 Triset Mixer Soundtrack where you randomly alternate between short, medium, and long duration work sets for each exercise to break through any training plateau.

By incorporating different intervals within the same workout you can truly SHOCK your body and force it to change ;)

Crank it!