Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Pumpkin Push-up Circuit- 8 Killer Push-up Exercises For The Halloween Season!
As you can see in the video below, I personally did this circuit and it was humbling to say the least. It was one of the best upper body blasts that I have ever personally experienced and my boobies have been sore for days... the ultimate sign of a new and effectively challenging routine!
Check out what had me crying for mommy in only 4 minutes by viewing the workout video below:
Crank it!
Monday, September 29, 2008
Former Fat Kids... here is the answer you've been waiting for!
I know what it's like... I used to lie to other kids about an allergic reaction to chlorine to explain why I wouldn't go swimming, even though I was too mortified to take my shirt off and expose my rolls.
I know what it's like... I used to avoid mirrors at will and shower with the lights off.
I know... I know what's it's like to hopelessly accept the fact that I was just a fat kid and I had to deal with it and move on with my life...
Until I discovered the power of training and nutrition.
Now I help people lose fat like crazy because I have personally done it for myself and tons of other former fat kids just like me.
Today, my good friend and colleague Ben Warstler releases his much anticipated FORMER FAT KID FAT LOSS SYSTEM.
All I can say is I wish Ben would have friggin' put this program out 8+ years ago when I really needed a tried and proven blueprint to make the changes I needed to make on my own.
Sure, I managed to find out what was optimal on my own, but it took a long time and there was a ton of trial and error in the process.
But TODAY, you can bypass this frustrating learning curve and lose fat like clockwork with a program that I personally guarantee will take you and your body to the next level.
This is the FIRST and ONLY program, other than one of my own, that I have ever promoted... and it's because it's the best I have seen of its kind to date, no question about it!
If you are a former fat kid looking for a done-for-you solution from a fellow former fat kid, you need to do yourself a favor and read Ben's letter below... it very well may be the smartest move you ever make when it comes to your fitness!
crank it!
From the Desk of Ben Warstler, The Former Fat Kid
It’s finally here!
My clients and colleagues have been begging me to release the system that allowed me to shed the ‘fat kid’ weight and become lean, confident, and fit.
This complete system includes:

• 12 weeks of fun but intense workouts that you can do anywhere with minimal equipment
• Complete nutrition plan and guide (tool box) that teaches you step by step how to change your lifestyle and start burning body fat TODAY
• Super Meals to help curb the sweet tooth and are healthy
• The key to the Former Fat Kids Exercise Vault- jam packed with all the best fat blasting exercises
• Plus extra bonuses that will help support your quest to become lean and mean
Check out The Former Fat Kids Fat Loss System (http://theformerfatkid.com)
I’ve kept this system secret for the past two years and have only utilized it with my clients to get ridiculous results.
However, this system only works for those who are mentally prepared to achieve amazing fat loss results and will do what it takes to achieve the body they always wanted. I have tried this program on clients who ‘thought’ they were ready, but it didn’t work for them. Unfortunately they were happy being unfit and unhappy.
I don’t want that for you. I don’t want you to have to hit rock bottom before you decide enough is enough. I went through that and don’t wish it upon anyone. At 250 pounds I had hit rock bottom. That may not sound like a large number but the way I felt about myself and how I looked to myself mattered most. And I felt like I looked like 350 pounds.
I struggled with every day tasks like walking up and down stairs. I was beginning to lose my athletic ability I had since I was in grade school. I began to distance myself from my friends and family because I wanted to be alone.
I suffered much longer than I needed to.
My wake up call was when I realized that feeling bad for myself wasn’t going to make things change. I had to take action if I wanted a different outcome.
I propose this to you. Take action, no matter what it is. The Former Fat Kid Fat Loss System (http://theformerfatkid.com) is a complete system that will change you dramatically.
But only buy the system if you are going to use it. Please don’t buy it if it will sit in your computer and gather virtual dust. If you decide not to purchase the program, please do something that will get you closer to your goal. Don’t wait for something to happen, make it happen.
Make today better than yesterday,
Ben Warstler
The Former Fat Kid
The Former Fat Kid Fat Loss System (http://theformerfatkid.com)
P.S. I’m all about taking action. I want you to take action too. That is the ONLY way things will change; you have to make them change.
P.P.S. The price I am offering is only a short term price. I will be increasing the price of the program after a couple of weeks of the initial launch because, honestly, it is worth so much more.
4-Minute Freaky Fat Loss- The Pumpkin Squat Circuit!
Take a look at a recent article I wrote about how to lose weight with pumpkins this October. Plus, be sure to watch the video below of the pumpkin squat circuit that broke me!!!
By BJ Gaddour, CSCS
A medicine ball is a great piece of equipment for people looking to burn fat and build muscle anywhere. Med balls are extremely portable and affordable and come in all sizes (typically anywhere from 5-50 lbs) allowing you to customize your med ball workouts for your current fitness level, gender, or goal. Larger individuals, males, and/or trainees looking for more muscle-building benefits are best suited for a larger med ball (25-50 lbs). On the other hands, smaller individuals, females, and/or trainees looking for more fat-burning benefits are best suited for a smaller med ball (10-20 lbs).
A pumpkin is a great seasonal exercise tool that essentially mimics a medicine ball and thus has the same practicality. The only drawbacks to pumpkin training are that eventually the poor pumpkin rots after several weeks and you can't slam or bounce a pumpkin like a med ball... unless your goal is to spray pumpkin shards everywhere! See below for just some of he amazing benefits of pumpkin training (e.g. med ball training):
- Pumpkins can successfully be used as a training tool for all exercise categories: total body, upper body, lower body, core, cardio, sport-specific, etc.
- Pumpkins allow you to train your core in a standing position for maximal improvements in functional performance and athleticism in addition to increasing the recruitment of the key core muscles (abs, hips, lower back) during lower body exercises like squats and upper body exercises like push-ups
- Pumpkins allow you to train your body with multi-joint/compound exercises in multiple planes AND directions of movement for a more complete training experience and a better carryover for sport-specific training (e.g. overhead med ball passes for soccer players)
- Pumpkins allow for a greater range of motion on many exercises when compared to traditional weight training equipment (e.g. barbells), thus allowing for greater improvements in muscle flexibility and joint mobility
- Pumpkins are great for partner training to develop team work and rapport in group training settings
- Pumpkins allow for quick exercise set-up AND quick transition time between exercises for more seamless workouts
- Pumpkins are both safer and easier to use than traditional bulky and metal-based weight training equipment
- Pumpkins are FUN and allow for some cool exercise variety to spice up your workouts
Burn NINE TIMES More Fat With These 4-Minute Pumpkin Circuit Training Workouts
So now that we've covered all of the benefits of pumpkin exercises, let's show how we can put together some killer fat loss workouts to boot! Essentially, we are going to combine pumpkin exercises with proven rapid fat loss High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) protocols.
Interval training is a form of exercise where you alternate between bouts of high-intensity maximum effort and low to moderate-intensity active recovery. In 1994, researchers for The Metabolism Journal discovered the following: each calorie you expend during high-intensity exercise burns nine times more fat than the same calorie expended during steady state aerobic exercise! HIIT accomplishes this in the following ways:
- Embraces the Carb-Burning Zone: High-Intensity exercise rapidly reduces muscle glycogen (stored sugar) during training, promoting enhanced total body fat-burning at all other times of day.
- Burns a TON of Calories Both During AND After Exercise: This phenomenon is due to the post-workout "AFTERBURN" know as EPOC which describes the number of calories your body expends in the recovery of your metabolism back to pre-exercise levels from high-intensity training. The best part about EPOC is that you control it, meaning that the harder you work during training the more calories your body will burn BOTH during your workout AND for up to 24-48 hours after completing your workout!
- Creates the Optimal Hormonal Environment for Fat Loss: High-Intensity exercise puts your body in a "fight or flight" mode that forces your body to CHANGE as a means of survival. More specifically, your body releases catecholamines (primarily adrenaline) in response to interval training that directly mobilizes stored body fat so that it can be burnt off as energy during activity.
So, what's the best interval training protocol to use? Well, there is really no BEST interval training protocol but there are a lot of good ones. One of our favorite interval protocols are Tabata Intervals where you alternate between 20 seconds of work and 10 s of rest for a total of eight times for a fat-smashing four-minute workout. This workout is scientifically proven to promote greater fat loss and fitness gains than 60 minutes of the long, slow, boring aerobic training alternative:
Breakthrough Interval Training Study- The Tabata Protocol
Tabata I, Nishimura K, Kouzaki M, Hirai Y, Ogita F, Miyachi M, Yamamoto K. Department of Physiology and Biomechanics, National Institute of Fitness and Sports, Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan. PMID: 8897392 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
- Greater Fat Loss: ONLY four minutes of intervals burned just as much fat as 60 minutes of moderate aerobic training. This means that for every second of exercise performed, interval training burns EXPONENTIALLY more body fat than the moderate aerobic training alternative.
- Greater Fitness: Interval Training results in maximal improvements in both aerobic and anaerobic capacity, where moderate aerobic training only causes improvements in aerobic capacity. In addition, the aerobic improvements were greater with the interval group. In other words, Interval Training offers greater improvements in both anaerobic AND aerobic capacity in much less time than the aerobic alternative.
Without further adieu, let's do some circuit training with pumpkin exercises Tabata-Style! Below are two sample pumpkin circuits that we use to scare the fat off our clients' bodies:
4-Minute Pumpkin Tabatas Workouts
- Select your 4-minute pumpkin circuit(s) of choice or perform all five of the provided circuits for an amazing total body PUMP-kin workout!
- You will alternate between 20 s of work and 10 s of rest for each exercise within the provided circuits
- Feel free to perform the 8 exercise circuits (1 exercise for each round) as listed or to keep things simple select only 1, 2, or 4 of the prescribed exercises within each circuit and perform 8 total rounds… the choice is yours!
FREAKY FAT LOSS CIRCUIT- 4-Minute Pumpkin Squat Circuit
Exercise#1- Pumpkin Front Squats @ 20 s on, 10 s rest and transition
Exercise#2- Pumpkin Back Squats @ 20 s on, 10 s rest and transition
Exercise#3- Pumpkin Overhead Squats @ 20 s on, 10 s rest and transition
Exercise#4- Pumpkin Squat Jumps @ 20 s on, 10 s rest and transition
Exercise#5- Pumpkin Rotational Squat Jumps @ 20 s on, 10 s rest and transition
Exercise#6- Pumpkin Squat Hold + Multiple Press Combo @ 20 s on, 10 s rest and transition
Exercise#7- Pumpkin Shouldering Squat (left shoulder) @ 20 s on, 10 s rest and transition
Exercise#8- Pumpkin Shouldering Squat (right shoulder) @ 20 s on, 10 s rest and transition
You have to check out the workout video below, I thought I was going to die!
Can you handle this PUMP-kin ?
Stay on the lookout for our OFFICIAL HALLOWEEN-THEMED TABATAS SOUNDTRACK so you can get your freaky fat loss ON this trick or treat season ;)
Crank it!
PS- Are you a trainer looking to automate your boot camp workouts with rapid fat loss soundtracks like Tabatas? If yes, then you need to visit the site below and see how WORKOUT MUSE PRO's fitness boot camp music soundtracks are changing the game in the fitness industry:
PPS- Are you a fitness enthusiasts looking for a rapid fat loss cardio solution? Then you need to check out the site below for interval cardio workouts that will have you burning 9x more fat than long, slow, boring aerobic cardio that you can complete in 20 minutes or less... plus Tabatas is Workout B of Month#4 of The 16-Week Rapid Fat Loss Cardio program available... and EVERYBODY LOVES TABATAS ;) @
PPPS- Rapid Fat Loss Workouts, the sister site of RFL Cardio, is coming soon in November, featuring the EXACT 16-Week Rapid Fat Loss Body Weight Training Program that we use with out very own clients in conjunction with the 16-Week RFL Cardio program for 2-3+ lbs of fat loss per week! Stay tuned baby!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
The Lose Your Love Handles Workout- 5-minute abs routine!
Love handles...
Tire around the waist...
You name it, all of us deal with this stubborn fat around our sides that truly limits our sex appeal, and nobody wants that ;)
So how do we get rid of this gunk?
Again, nutrition is #1:
1.) Eat every 2-4 hours for a total of 4-6 meals per day (4 meals every 4 hours to maximize fat loss)
2.) Eat core meals anytime and most of the time (lean proteins, healthy fats, and green veggies or fruits) with lots of water (1-2 cups of water before and between every meal). Do not consume any starchy or sugary carbs except for breakfast or within 3 hours of intense activity, but to be honest, limit these altogether if you want to melt away stubborn fat FAST!
3.) Make sure to have 1-2 fists of lean protein (1 for women, 2 for men) consisting of anything that had a face and a mother that ran, fly, or swam) and at least 1-2 fists of anything green and from the ground at each and every meal (spinach, romaine lettuce, asparagus, green beans, broccoli, etc.)
But, you do need to work those obliques (or side abdominals) so that when you remove that fat you can see some nice toned muscle.
I'm not a big fan of side crunches as they have very little functional carryover. Rather I love side pillars/planks as they work you shoulders, hips, and core at the same time.
Specifically, I love the side pillar with a reach and rotation as it works both functions of your obliques: lateral flexion and rotation! This means you work those love handles harder for every effort thus more bang for your buck baby!
Check the 5-minute love handle workout below and get to it for some serious tummy burning:
Crank it!
PS- The Freaky Fat Loss Halloween Pumpkin Workout E-Book with the companion Halloween Workout Muse soundtracks are coming real soon! I finished making the e-books today and I film all of the crazy pumpkin workouts tomorrow. It will also come with a special Halloween cookbook featuring our special pumpkin pecan shake that our clients die for, so stay tuned, you are not going to want to miss this one ;)
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
HOTLANTA BODIES BOOT CAMP WORKOUT- Try this 15-15 Tabatas Interval Training Workout If You Dare!
Crank it for the ATL!
Monday, September 22, 2008
On The Road Interval Workouts To Burn Fat And Lose Weight!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Your 4-Minute Energy Pill!
To help you get that pep back in your step, here's your 4-minute "energy pill!"
Check out fellow Workout Muse Pro member Kevin Pasquay's Boot Camp Interval Blitz Workout:
Find more videos like this on Make More Train Less
It's a client favorite, so we know that you'd like it.
Simple, but BRUTALLY effective!
Thanks Kev ;)
Crank it!
8 Great Fat Loss Exercises!
Including some variation of each one of these movements to your own personal training routine on a year-round basis will lead to a leaner and sexier you GUARANTEED!
The 8 Great Exercise 4-Minute Tabatas Circuit:
Exercise#1- Pull-Ups @ 20 s on, 10 s off
Exercise#2- Squat Jumps @ 20 s on, 10 s off
Exercise#3- Explosive Push-Ups @ 20 s on, 10 s off
Exercise#4- Ice Skater Jumps @ 20 s on, 10 s off
Exercise#5- Suspended Body Weight Rows @ 20 s on, 10 s off
Exercise#6- Split Jumps @ 20 s on, 10 s off
Exercise#7- Suspended Push-ups @ 20 s on, 10 s off
Exercise#8- Burpees @ 20 s on, 10 s off
Check out fellow Workout Muse Pro member Andrew Eaton's Classic 8-Exercise Tabata Circuit by clicking the link below:
It's got a sweet blend of cardio and strength exercises that will leave your metabolism in fat-attack mode for the next day or two.
Get after it baby ;)
Crank it!
The Fat Loss Trifecta: Using Trisets To Burn Belly Fat and Build Lean, Sexy Muscle!
A triset consists of alternating between 3 different exercises back-to-back-to-back. It is best to use non-competing movements to form the ideal fat loss triset to allow for optimal training intensity.
Typically, we use the following triset format for an incredible 20-minute total body EXPRESS workout:
Triset#1- 10 Minutes
Exercise#1- Lower Body Exercise
Exercise#2- Upper Body Exercise
Exercise#3- Core Exercise
Triset#2- 10 Minutes
Exercise#1- Lower Body Exercise
Exercise#2- Upper Body Exercise
Exercise#3- Cardio Exercise
To see a done-for-you belly fat-burning workout featuring some really cool exercises from one of our fitness boot camps, click the link below:
This workout is different from any other Triset format you have ever seen as it features our 30-60-90 Triset Mixer Soundtrack where you randomly alternate between short, medium, and long duration work sets for each exercise to break through any training plateau.
By incorporating different intervals within the same workout you can truly SHOCK your body and force it to change ;)
Crank it!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
The Rubber Band Man Chronicles: Band Workouts in Your Basement!
My good friend and colleague Dave Schmitz has put together some crazy band workouts using Tabata intervals.
If you don't know Dave, he is the world's premier resistance band training expert. Plus he is absolutely RIPPED and has been know to do the splits IN THE NUDE on command (that last part was a joke, well at least the nude part... or was it?)
What's the best part about Dave's workouts?
You can do them ANYWHERE!
To see some great workouts of the band guy in action in his very own rapid fat loss basement, you need to check out the videos below:
Have a phenomenal weekend baby ;)
Crank it!
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Ultimate Abs Workout- No Crunches Required With This Total Body Core Exercise!
Who doesn't?
But most people just still don't seem to get how train to properly their for abs nor know what core exercises provide the biggest bang for your buck.
But I've got your back today baby ;)
They key to losing belly fat and getting flat 6-pack abs is of course proper nutrition (ya, I know you didn't want to hear that, ah ha). Yep, you do need to actually burn that fat covering your abs to actually see them.
This is accomplished by focusing on what we call CORE MEALS that consists of lean proteins (beef, chicken, turkey, salmon, cottage cheese, etc.), healthy fats (olive oil, nuts, avocado, cheese, eggs, etc.), and fruits and veggies (especially green veggies!)
But, let's not get sidetracked, after all this is a "how to train your abs" article!
Now, the key to a successful core workout is the following 1-2 punch:
The FUSION of fat loss intervals and total body core exercises for the ultimate flat abs home workout solution!
1.) Use TOTAL BODY Core Exercises: You want to involve as many muscles as possible during each core exercise to have the maximum fat loss and muscle-building effect. So, instead of laying on your backside doing sit-ups, try doing the Back Pillar Single-Arm DB Chest Press that trains your whole body with a special emphasis on that coveted core (abs, hips, butt, love handles, and lower back)!
2.) Use Fat Loss Intervals: As we mentioned earlier, you do need to burn the ugly, unwanted body fat that's covering those rock-hard abs. And though nutrition is critical for removing that stubborn fat as previously mentioned, training can sure as hell help! Since we know that interval training burns 9x more fat than the long, slow, boring aerobic training alternative, it just makes sense to utilize some form of intervals in your ab workouts to maximize the fat-burning effect of the total body core exercises you select!
Well, here is that 1-2 punch in video format using The Workout Muse Tabatas Audio Interval Training Soundtrack:
If you think your hardcore, I PROMISE you that this workout I show you will BREAK YOU... in a good way ;)
Do you have what it takes?
Crank it!
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Killer Fat-Melting Boot Camp At Work!
This past Friday, I filmed the lunch workout of one of my local Milwaukee corporate fitness boot camps.
This workout, like any good time-efficient fat loss workout, utilizes the alternating sets method where you perform one exercise for a certain period of time/reps, then rest for a certain period of time, and then perform another exercises for a certain period of time/reps, and so on.
This method of training dramatically reduces your workout time without sacrificing intensity which means better results! The most basic form of alternating sets is known as a superset, where you perform two different exercises back to back for a certain number of rounds.
One of our classic fat loss workouts features the 40 s on-20 s off Supersets audio interval training soundtrack from Workout Muse.
To see the quick workout video of what had my clients gasping for air in a pool of their own sweat, you need to click the link below:
Nothing beats burning fat during your work day ;)
Crank it!
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Fast Workouts for Better Arms and Sexy Legs!
Please note that in no way, shape, or form am I implying that these workouts should replace the typical total body workouts I am known for prescribing. Rather, these are simply extra workouts to be performed later in the day or finishers to be performed following your total body resistance training workouts or even cardio workouts to get some extra work on areas of the body you'd like to improve the most.
Of course, spot reduction of body fat doesn't work, but a little extra work on trouble spot areas will definitely increase muscular strength and definition.
The 4-Minute Ultimate Arm Workout For The Guys:
The 5-Minute Sexy Legs Workout for The Ladies:
Crank it!
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Time for a QUICKIE: 5-Minute Fat Loss Circuit Training Workout
5-MINUTE Total Body Fat-Burning Workouts Performed In-Home OR On-The-Road for BUSY People
Here's some classic done-for-you 5-minute fat-burning workout videos providing the appropriate exercises variations for your current fitness level that you can do ANYWHERE!
QUICKIE Strength#1- Workout B
- You will alternate between 50 s of work (max reps or max hold) and a 10 s rest and transition for each exercise in the following 5-minute circuit
- Perform this 5-minute circuit 1-4x for a 5-20 minute total body workout based on your schedule (20 minutes for optimal results!)
Exercise#1- Double-Leg: Body Weight Squat Variation
Exercise#2- Push: Free Band Shoulder Press
Exercise#3- Single-Leg: Single-Leg Hip Extension Variation
Exercise#4- Pull: Free Band Bicep Curls
Exercise#5- Core: Side Pillar Variation
Level I Workout Video- Level I: If you are 30+ lbs ABOVE your ideal body weight OR If you are 10-20 lbs ABOVE your ideal body weight AND you have NOT worked consistently in the last 3 months (if ever)
Level II Workout Video- If you are 10-20 lbs ABOVE your ideal body weight AND you have been working out consistently for the last 3 months or more OR If your are within +/- 5 lbs of your ideal body weight AND you have NOT worked out consistently in the last 3 months (if ever)
Level III Workout Video- If your are within +/- 5 lbs of your ideal body weight AND you have been working out consistently for the last 3 months or more
Try this bad boy out... you will be burning fat and building lean, sexy muscle for the next 24-48 hours!
Crank it!
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Fat-Burning Cardio- Burn Belly Fat With This Scientifically Proven High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) Workout From Australia!
Researchers at the University of NSW and the Garvan Institute studied 45 overweight women over 15 weeks. This Australian study compared a 20-minute interval workout (done three times per week) against a 40-minute slow cardio workout (also done three times per week). The Women did the workout for 15 weeks, and only the interval group lost belly fat. The slow cardio group got practically no results at all. They found their specific brand of interval training prompts the body to click into a metabolic response that allows more fat to be burned both under the skin and within the muscles.
"The Interval Training group lost three times more weight as other women who exercised at a continuous, regular pace for 40 minutes," UNSW Associate Professor Steve Boutcher said. “Their success was due to higher amounts of chemical compounds called catecholamines that are produced in increasing amounts when linked to interval sprinting; the resulting chemical reaction drives greater weight loss.”
***The exact interval protocol used for this study was an 8 s sprint followed by a 12 s recovery period. This scientifically proven rapid fat loss timeline is featured in Cardio Interval Workout B of Month#4 of The 16-Week Rapid Fat Loss Cardio Program!***
Check out the sample cardio interval workout below:
Crank it!