Here's an amazing rapid fat loss cardio interval training workout from down under that is based on scientific evidence:
Researchers at the University of NSW and the Garvan Institute studied 45 overweight women over 15 weeks. This Australian study compared a 20-minute interval workout (done three times per week) against a 40-minute slow cardio workout (also done three times per week). The Women did the workout for 15 weeks, and only the interval group lost belly fat. The slow cardio group got practically no results at all. They found their specific brand of interval training prompts the body to click into a metabolic response that allows more fat to be burned both under the skin and within the muscles.
"The Interval Training group lost three times more weight as other women who exercised at a continuous, regular pace for 40 minutes," UNSW Associate Professor Steve Boutcher said. “Their success was due to higher amounts of chemical compounds called catecholamines that are produced in increasing amounts when linked to interval sprinting; the resulting chemical reaction drives greater weight loss.”
***The exact interval protocol used for this study was an 8 s sprint followed by a 12 s recovery period. This scientifically proven rapid fat loss timeline is featured in Cardio Interval Workout B of Month#4 of The 16-Week Rapid Fat Loss Cardio Program!***
Check out the sample cardio interval workout below:
Crank it!