I just got back home to Milwaukee from an AMAZING two event tour in Connecticut and Chicago helping my buddy Dave Schmitz promote his new fitness band boot camp product that incorporates Workout Muse audio interval training soundtracks.
People LOVED the bands.
People LOVED the music.
But people REALLY LOVED the fusion of the bands and the music! I can't wait to do more projects with the band man in the near future!
What people love about resistance bands (or any portable training tool like dumbbells, med balls, etc.) and workout muse mp3s is that these tools allow you to take your workouts with you anywhere.
For a great ON-THE-ROAD WORKOUT to get slim without the gym that I used this weekend AND with my Get Sexy Boot Campers last week, click the link below:
Make sure to watch the whole video so you can see my client Rosa's take on the workout... it has me laughing for days, way to crank it ROSA!
Crank it!
PS- After touring this weekend, I have been getting A TON of emails about when exactly our top 6 rapid fat loss boot camp soundtracks will be available for fitness pros. TOMORROW is the answer! Yep, tomorrow you will be a click away from accessing the digital training system that is changing the way the fitness industry does business and you can get in with us on the ground floor! Stay tuned as I will let you know as soon as it's ready ;)