Today I've got a great workout for you so that you can start your week off on the right fat-burning, muscle-building note!
This past Friday, I filmed the lunch workout of one of my local Milwaukee corporate fitness boot camps.
This workout, like any good time-efficient fat loss workout, utilizes the alternating sets method where you perform one exercise for a certain period of time/reps, then rest for a certain period of time, and then perform another exercises for a certain period of time/reps, and so on.
This method of training dramatically reduces your workout time without sacrificing intensity which means better results! The most basic form of alternating sets is known as a superset, where you perform two different exercises back to back for a certain number of rounds.
One of our classic fat loss workouts features the 40 s on-20 s off Supersets audio interval training soundtrack from Workout Muse.
To see the quick workout video of what had my clients gasping for air in a pool of their own sweat, you need to click the link below:
Nothing beats burning fat during your work day ;)
Crank it!