Friday, May 23, 2008

Last 2 Rapid Fat Loss Workouts

Been a while since I've done some barbell movements so i switched things up and did some. Man, these last 2 workouts were legit!


Tabata BB Front Squats

Tabata Jackknife Push-ups

Tabata BB Hang Cleans

Tabata Explosive T-Push-Up + Hold

Total Finisher- 30-30's

Exercise#1- Reverse lunge with opposite arm db curl (left leg fwd)
Exercise#2- Reverse lunge with opposite arm db curl (right leg fwd)


Tabata Ice Skater Jumps

Tabata BB Torque

Tabata 1-arm BB Row

Tabata Stability Ball Push-up+Knee-In Combo

Core Finisher- 30-30's

Exercise#1- Alternating L Side-Front-R Side Pillars
Exercise#2- Stability Ball Hip Extension Hold

Crank it!