Thursday, May 29, 2008

See the GUTS of Workout Muse!

A lot of people of are curious about what it's like to be a Workout Muse member.

You asked for it... and you go it.

See below to go on your very own exclusive virtual tour of Workout Muse for you interests:

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Competing Supersets for EXTRA Muscle Burn!

Though most of my body weight resistance training workouts feature alternating sets of non-competing exercises (e.g. upper and lower body exercises), sometimes it's great to switch things up and perform alternating sets of competing exercises (e.g. squats and lunges).

This provides a huge muscle building stimulus through a prolonged time-under-tension for the the muscles being worked. This exhausts your muscles rapidly and thus really helps build up your muscular endurance. You are going to feel more burning in your muscles during competing supersets (local muscular endurance emphasis) where you tend to feel more burning in your lungs from non-competing supersets (total body conditioning emphasis). Each protocol helps make the other better, so make sure to employ this strategy to break through plateaus and to provide extra variety.

Take a look at the competing superset workout below that I performed today:

Tabata Lower Body Quad-Dominant Superset

Exerxise#1- Jump Squats with weighted vest
Exercise#2- Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat with weighted vest (alternate legs from set to set)

Tabata Upper Body Pull Superset

Exercise#1- Suspended Body Weight Rows
Exercise#2- DB Biceps Curls

Tabata Lower Body Hip-Dominant Superset

Exercise#1- Stability Ball Hip Extension Leg Curl
Exercise#2- Stability Ball Single-Leg Hip Extension (alternate legs from set to set)

Tabata Upper Body Pushing Superset

Exercise#1- Decline Push-ups (backed off to regular push-ups as needed)
Exercise#2- Parallel Bar Dips (backed off to off bench dips as needed)

Finisher- 30-30's

Exercise#1- sprint-backpedal combo (5-10 yard increments)
Exercise#2- lateral shuffle combo (5-10 yard increments)

crank it!


Tuesday, May 27, 2008

All About Tabatas!

Workout Muse: All About Tabatas

I. Intro to Tabatas

A.) Scientifically Proven

- 4 minutes of high-intensity interval training led to greater fat loss and improvements in fitness than 60 minutes of steady state aerobics!

B.) Adapted for Rapid Fat Loss in The Real World

1.) Maximal Calorie Burning and Glycogen Depletion During Workouts:

- Metabolic Resistance Training: Body weight interval training consists of alternating between bouts of 20-60 s of all-out high-intensity effort and short rest periods between sets. This leads to rapid fat loss because it increases levels of catecholamines (adrenaline) which directly mobilizes body fat while simultaneously depleting your body’s glycogen (sugar) stores resulting in more total body fat burning 24-7.

- Exercise Variety: By regularly changing up your exercise selection you prevent your body from adapting to any given movement. Inefficient exercises performed with short rest periods between sets make your muscles and nerves work harder to perform them thus burning more calories during training. It also creates a “fight or flight” response that is the X-factor in making the human body change - if doesn’t kill you, it makes you stronger and leaner!

2.) Maximal Calorie Burning After Workouts:

- Increased Protein Turnover: By doing a lot of work with short rest periods betweens sets and involving all of the major muscles in your body you create the optimal hormonal environment for fat loss AND muscle growth. More muscle break down during workouts (caused by the release of cortisol) leads to more muscle growth and fat loss after workouts (caused by the release of growth hormone). This muscle repair is very energy costly and increases metabolism for 24-48 hours after the workout.

- EPOC: The oxygen debt created in your muscles from anaerobic interval training leads to a serious AFTERBURN for 24-48 hours after your workout

Bottom Line For Rapid Fat Loss Resistance Training:

Perform total body workouts with a high volume of work using multi-joint movement patterns and short rest periods between movements for a total of 20 minutes of intervals.

- The key to rapid fat loss is preventing efficiency and adaptation during your workouts
- Tabatas are KING for rapid fat loss: 2:1 work to rest ratio

II. The Workout Muse Rapid Fat Loss Body Weight Training System

- See BWT manual for more info

III. Tabata Templates

Template#1 The Tabata Classic

BWT Workout A


Exercise Selection and Order:

You will perform 6 total exercises: 2 lower body, 2 upper body, and 2 core exercises.

Exercise Performance:

“Are You Ready for Tabatas?”

You will alternate between 20 s of work and 10 s of rest. Upon being told to “GO!” you will perform each exercise with maximum effort until being told to “STOP!” Every 4 minutes of work is followed by 1-minute of rest. You will repeat this 5-minute sequence 4x for 20 total minutes. Time to melt some serious fat!

Station#1- 5 minutes: Tabata Double-Leg Lower Body

Straights sets of the following exercise:

Single-Exercise- Bilateral Hip-Dominant: Hip Extension Variation

Station#2- 5 minutes: Tabata Upper Body (Push-Pull)

Alternating sets of the following exercises:

Exercise#1- Horizontal Push: Push-up Variation
Exercise#2- Horizontal Pull: Row Variation

Station#3- 5 minutes: Tabata Single-Leg Lower Body

Straights sets of the following exercise:

Single-Exercise- Unilateral Knee-Dominant: Lunge Variation (for stationary lunges, alternate legs from round to round)

Station#4- 5 minutes: Tabata Core

Alternating sets of the following exercises:

Exercise#1- Core Trunk-Dominant: Upper Body Twist Variation
Exercise#2- Core Trunk-Dominant: Crunch Variation

Template#1 The Tabata Classic

BWT Workout B


Exercise Selection and Order:

You will perform 6 total exercises: 2 lower body, 2 upper body, and 2 core exercises.

“Are You Ready for Tabatas?”

You will alternate between 20 s of work and 10 s of rest. Upon being told to “GO!” you will perform each exercise with maximum effort until being told to “STOP!” Every 4 minutes of work is followed by 1-minute of rest. You will repeat this 5-minute sequence 4x for 20 total minutes. Time to melt some serious fat!

Station#1- 5 minutes: Tabata Double-Leg Lower Body

Straights sets of the following exercise:

Single-Exercise- Bilateral Knee-Dominant: Squat Variation

Station#2- 5 minutes: Tabata Upper Body (Push-Pull)

Alternating sets of the following exercises:

Exercise#1- Vertical Push: Dip Variation
Exercise#2- Vertical Pull: Curl Variation

Station#3- 5 minutes: Tabata Single-Leg Lower Body

Straights sets of the following exercise:

Single-Exercise- Unilateral Hip-Dominant: Single-Leg Hip Extension Variation (alternate legs from round to round)

Station#4- 5 minutes: Tabata Core

Alternating sets of the following exercises:

Exercise#1- Core Hip-Dominant: Lower Body Twist Variation
Exercise#2- Core Hip-Dominant: Leg Raise Variation

Template#2- Tabata Straight Sets

BWT Workout A


Exercise Selection and Order:

You will perform 4 total exercises: 2 lower body and 2 upper body

Exercise Performance:

“Are You Ready for Tabatas?”

You will alternate between 20 s of work and 10 s of rest. Upon being told to “GO!” you will perform each exercise with maximum effort until being told to “STOP!” Every 4 minutes of work is followed by 1-minute of rest. You will repeat this 5-minute sequence 4x for 20 total minutes. Time to melt some serious fat!

Station#1- 5 minutes: Tabata Double-Leg Lower Body

Straights sets of the following exercise:

Bilateral Hip-Dominant- Hip Extension Variation

Station#2- 5 minutes: Tabata Upper Body Pull

Straights sets of the following exercise:

Horizontal Pull- Rowing Variation

Station#3- 5 minutes: Tabata Single-Leg Lower Body

Straights sets of the following exercise:

Single-Leg Knee-Dominant: Lunge Variation (for stationary lunges, alternate legs from round to round)

Station#4- 5 minutes: Tabata Upper Body Push

Straights sets of the following exercise:

Horizontal Push: Push-up Variation

Template#2- Tabata Straight Sets

BWT Workout B


Exercise Selection and Order:

You will perform 4 total exercises: 2 lower body and 2 upper body

Exercise Performance:

“Are You Ready for Tabatas?”

You will alternate between 20 s of work and 10 s of rest. Upon being told to “GO!” you will perform each exercise with maximum effort until being told to “STOP!” Every 4 minutes of work is followed by 1-minute of rest. You will repeat this 5-minute sequence 4x for 20 total minutes. Time to melt some serious fat!

Station#1- 5 minutes: Tabata Double-Leg Lower Body

Straights sets of the following exercise:

Bilateral Knee-Dominant- Squat Variation

Station#2- 5 minutes: Tabata Upper Body Pull

Straights sets of the following exercise:

Vertical Pull- Curl Variation

Station#3- 5 minutes: Tabata Single-Leg Lower Body

Straights sets of the following exercise:

Single-Leg Hip-Dominant: Single-Leg Hip Extension Variation (alternate legs from round to round)

Station#4- 5 minutes: Tabata Upper Body Push

Straights sets of the following exercise:

Vertical Push: Dips Variation

Template#3-Tabata Super Sets

Non- Competing Supersets (different movement patterns)

- 4 exercises: 2 lower and 2 upper
- 8 exercises: 2 upper, 2 lower, 2 core, 2 conditioning

Competing Supersets (same movement pattern, different exercise variations)

- 4 exercises: 2 lower and 2 upper

Knee-Dominant Superset

1.) Squat
2.) Split Squat

Pros: Exercise Variety for Advanced Members
Cons: Confusion and Quick Transition for Beginners

Template#5- Tabata Circuits

Non- Competing Circuit (different movement patterns)

- 4 exercises: 2 lower and 2 upper
- 8 exercises: 2 upper, 2 lower, 2 core, 2 conditioning

Competing Circuits (same movement pattern, different exercise variations)

- 4 exercises: 2 lower and 2 upper

Sample Push-Up Circuit: Select 4 or 8 exercise variations

1.) Explosive Push-up
2.) T-Push-Up
3.) Regular Push-up
4.) Off-Set Push-up
5.) Stability Ball Push-up
6.) Spiderman Push-up
7.) Close-Grip Push-Up
8.) 1-Legged Push-up

Pros: Exercise Variety for Advanced Members
Cons: Confusion and Quick Transition for Beginners

Template#6- Tabata CHAOS

- Random call out of exercises by trainer and/or client(s)

Pros: Exercise Variety for Advanced Members
Cons: Confusion and Quick Transition for Beginners

Tabata Extras/Modifications

- Progress Tracking: Tabata Score = Lowest rep total on any given set for a particular exercise

- Go all Unilateral: Employ single-arm and single-leg exercises throughout

- Exercise Selection: Employ endless exercise variations while staying true to the movement patterns

- Exercise Order: Prioritize weaker movement patterns earlier in your workouts

- Combination Movements: Add total body exercises to total body workouts

- Drop Sets: Load or Variation

- 5/10/20 sec pump and holds: squat for 5 s, hold for 5 s, etc.

Bonus- Finisher

Finisher A


Exercise#1- Lunge Variation @ max reps or max hold for 30 s, 0 s rest and transition
Exercise#2- Push-up Variation @ max reps or max hold for 30 s, 0 s rest and transition

- Perform this 1-minute round 5x for 5 total minutes

Finisher B


Exercise#1- Squat Variation @ max reps or max hold for 30 s, 0 s rest and transition
Exercise#2- Row Variation @ max reps or max hold for 30 s, 0 s rest and transition

- Perform this 1-minute round 5x for 5 total minutes

Other 30-30 Finisher Options:

- Upper Body Finisher: alternate push-ups and rows
- Lower Body Finisher: alternate squats and alternating lunges
- Core Finisher: alternate dynamic front pillar and dynamic back pillar
- Conditioning Finisher: alternate between stationary run and jumping jacks
- Total Body Finisher: alternate between 1-arm squat-to-press (switch arms)
- Chaos: Random call out of exercises by trainer and/or client(s)

Monday, May 26, 2008

4-Minute Equipment-Free Fat Loss in Your Living Room!

The Workout Muse EXPRESS

Everybody’s got at least 5 minutes!

In the real world, there will be days when we simply do not have enough time for a full 30-minute workout. In most instances, the typical approach we take is to just skip the workout altogether. The flawed assumption here is that no significant results can occur in less than 30 minutes anyways. However, this could not be further from the truth! Both our clients and we have discovered just how much can happen in 5 minutes or less with the right approach to training. So basically, there is no room for excuses as we all have at least 5 minutes on any given day to workout.

It’s not about time… IT’S ALL ABOUT INTENSITY!

The Workout Muse EXPRESS consists of short, but INTENSE workouts that can completed in 5 minutes or less to keep you on track for long-term success. Granted, you will not get as good of results from the EXPRESS workouts as you will from performing the prescribed full-length workouts due to both a lower calorie burn both during and after your workout. However, you will at least maintain your strength and conditioning while still igniting your metabolism for a potent fat-burning stimulus. This is without a doubt better than nothing!

Now the key to these EXPRESS workouts is the word INTENSITY. In both scientific research and real world studies, time and time again one thing is clear: Intensity is truly the only thing that makes your body change! Intensity is the key to ripping off ugly, unwanted body fat and gaining lean, sexy muscle.

As much as we’d love to claim we’ve reinvented the wheel here, this intensity principle is nothing new in the fitness world. Even as far back as 1994 in the journal Metabolism researchers discovered the following: each calorie you expend during high-intensity exercise burns 9 times more fat than the same calorie expended during steady state aerobic exercise! Don’t believe this? Well, trust us when we say that you definitely will become a believer in intensity after performing your first EXPRESS workout. It’s really the coolest thing in the world. It’s like you just flip the switch to building the body of your dreams. See below to learn more about why this happens:

The Role of Intensity in Exercise

- Embraces the Carb-Burning Zone by rapidly reducing muscle glycogen during training which promotes enhanced total body fat-burning at all other times of day.

- Burns a ton of calories both during AND after exercise. This phenomenon is due to the post-workout “afterburn” know as EPOC which describes the number of calories your body expends in the recovery of your metabolism back to pre-exercise levels from high-intensity training.

- Puts your body in a “fight or flight” mode which creates a hormonal environment that optimizes both fat loss and muscle gain and forces your body to adapt for means of survival.

The Workout Muse Cardio EXPRESS

4-Minute Equipment-Free Fat Loss in Your Living Room!

This cardio express workout features the breakthrough Tabata Protocol that Japanese scientists used to compare the effects of only 4 minutes of high-intensity interval training to a slow, long 60-minute steady-state aerobic alternative. They found greater fat loss and greater improvements in overall conditioning with the following 4-minute interval routine versus the full hour of aerobics! Each workout takes only 4 minutes, not including the highly recommended warm-up routine. In all, you will be in the shower 10 short minutes after breaking your first bead of sweat.

Cardio EXPRESS- Tabatas: 4 minutes total

- 5-minute warm-up (optional, but highly recommended)
- You will alternate between 20 s of work and 10 s of rest
- You will perform this 30 s interval 8x for 4 total minutes

The Top 6 Body Weight Cardio Exercises

Choose either one exercise below and perform it for the full duration of your workout OR feel free to switch to different exercises from round to round to mix things up and get a little more variety:

1.) Stationary Running
2.) Jumping Claps (Modified Jumping Jack)
3.) Cross-Country Skier
4.) Mountain Climber
5.) Burpee Variation
6.) Shadow Boxing/Kickboxing

See the You-Tube Video below for a full demo of this routine and the exercises involved @

Note- Feel free to perform this protocol with any mode of cardio exercise (e.g. outdoor/treadmill running, cycling, etc.). We have simply provided the best equipment-free cardio exercises for the utmost simplicity, affordability, and convenience.

Perform these cardio workouts only on days:

- When you truly have NO TIME for the prescribed full-length 20-minute interval workouts (e.g. travel days)

- For an extra metabolic boost during the day to accelerate fat loss (immediately in the morning or 4-6 hours before/after your main workout of the day)

- Before a “free meal” to serve as a bit of damage control so that your body is primed to use the extra carbs and calories from this meal for muscle growth and recovery while minimizing fat-storage (don’t push this too far - this is not an excuse to go hog-wild!)

Listen and Lose Fat,

BJ Gaddour, CSCS

PS- See how Workout Muse doesn't just change lives... it saves lives!

"I went to the doctor yesterday; I was weighed and my blood pressure
was taken. Last year, at this doctor’s office, I weighed 300 pounds
and my blood pressure was 150/94. Yesterday, my weight was 237 and my
blood pressure was 112/72. Just thought I share one of the many
benefits I have gained thanks to Workout Muse!"

- Paul Lundh


Friday, May 23, 2008


You can't get sexy unless you can burn fat and build muscle. And you can't burn fat or build muscle optimally unless you can perform total body exercises through pain-free, full ranges of motion.

I have struggled with knee pain my whole life. Beyond having patellar tendonitis on and off for 10+ years, I had 4 surgeries (2 on each leg) by the time I was 22. It was a vicious combo of being overweight, eating poorly, and training like an absolute moron being the typical meat head college football player that I was (ignoring form and pain to lift the most weight possible).

I am happy to say that since I have finally learned to start listening to my body and addressing tissue work via foam rolling and corrective flexibility training. My knees are now 100% and I have ZERO limitations with my lower body!

For your viewing pleasure, check out a WORKOUT MUSE YouTube video for the top 2 stretches to alleviate, if not eliminate, nagging aches and pains in your knees (you may have to copy and paste this link into your browser) @

I swear by these 2 stretches, add them in 1-3x per day and you won't believe how much better those wheels will feel ;) . I promise you that if you perform these stretches religiously you will notice immediate differences in the way you move and feel.

Regardless of whether or not you have knee pain, these 2 static stretches should be a staple of your flexibility routine for optimal health and performance!

If you want regular updates for new videos just like this, make sure to subscribe to our WORKOUT MUSE YouTube page!

Crank it!


Don't be a HUNCHBACK!

Today I am providing you with some much needed corrective stretching for your shoulder and upper back/neck area.

We spend way too much time during the day positioned like a hunch back:

- slouched forward
- shoulders elevated and shrugged
- arms internally rotated

Guess who this sounds like:


Now don't get me wrong, the hunchback of Notre Dame is a good dude with a great heart... but he's not too sexy.

Trust me {!firstname}, you don't want to be a hunchback!

You can start by following the NO MORE HUNCHBACK STRETCHING PROGRAM provided in the following Workout Muse You Tube Video:

If you haven't yet, make sure to subscribe to the Workout Muse You Tube Page for FREE so you can stay current with all video updates!

Crank it!


PS- Are you doing your rapid fat loss cardio program that we gave you as a gift upon signing up for this newsletter? You know the same workouts that the 6 Get Sexy Milwaukee Contestants used to lose a combined 96 scale lbs in the first 4 weeks! And yes, 5 of these contestants are women over 40 years old, so don't think ladies with more life experience can't get sexy FAST too!

If not, you better get started today as these workouts are the ultimate cardio workout for getting rid of that stubborn fat! It's all in the Rapid Fat Loss Cardio Program we've provided you.

To take your cardio interval workouts to the next level, for only 14.95/month you can get your very own personal music trainer as a downloadable mp3 soundtracks updated every month with new workouts to new mind-blowing music that will tell you exactly what to do. It's all done-for-you baby @

PPS- You better HURRY! We are going to be raising our special introductory prices by Monday, and they will never be this low again!

Last 2 Rapid Fat Loss Workouts

Been a while since I've done some barbell movements so i switched things up and did some. Man, these last 2 workouts were legit!


Tabata BB Front Squats

Tabata Jackknife Push-ups

Tabata BB Hang Cleans

Tabata Explosive T-Push-Up + Hold

Total Finisher- 30-30's

Exercise#1- Reverse lunge with opposite arm db curl (left leg fwd)
Exercise#2- Reverse lunge with opposite arm db curl (right leg fwd)


Tabata Ice Skater Jumps

Tabata BB Torque

Tabata 1-arm BB Row

Tabata Stability Ball Push-up+Knee-In Combo

Core Finisher- 30-30's

Exercise#1- Alternating L Side-Front-R Side Pillars
Exercise#2- Stability Ball Hip Extension Hold

Crank it!


Thursday, May 22, 2008

Take the Americal Idol PINCH Test!

What An America Idol Can Teach YOU About Fat Loss

I must admit that seeing David Cook bursting with overwhelming emotion after his upset American Idol victory last night was extremely satisfying.

Here's a guy that only showed up to auditions to support his brother, but now he's the American Idol.

Here's a guy that was the last man standing among 100,000 other dreamers just like him.

Here's a guy that not so long ago was a bar tender making ends meet, and now he is on the verge of making millions doing what he loves to do... doing what he was meant to do.

You could see that he just wanted someone to PINCH HIM to make sure he wasn't still dreaming.

Say what you want about American Idol, but the bottom line is that they make stars.

They have a tried and proven system to turn out money-making pop singers year in and year out. Anything successful in life always has a turn-key system behind it.

It's almost Memorial Day and it's starting to get nice and warm.

I want you to stop doing whatever you're doing right now and do your very own PINCH TEST right now!

Except, I want you to reach down and pinch your belly. I mean really grab your gut and see how much fat you can get in your hand.

Doesn't feel too sexy does it? Do you want to get rid of this as fast as possible?

Then be like David Cook and follow a tried and proven system that gets big-time results AND fast!

You are under 6 weeks away from that special 4th of July BBQ. With Workout Muse you can lose up to 2-3+ lbs of fat per week and get rid of that gut so you can feel good about showing off that sexy body this summer.

My friend and Workout Muse client Paul Lundh lost 34 scale lbs in the first 4 weeks.

Now make no mistake about it... Paul worked his ass off and he followed the integrated training and nutrition plans to a T. But Paul is also emerging as a sexy man beast and all of his hard work is truly paying off:

"I train with BJ and Naomi 3 times per week at the Get Sexy Boot Camps (features the Workout Muse rapid fat loss body weight training workouts). On my own, I use the Workout Muse System 3 times per week while doing my interval cardio work. This system enables me to concentrate on the workout and not have to watch the clock because it tells me when to transition. I enjoy the tempo and all the distinct sounds in the music. I find it very motivational and it's all done-for-me."

Paul is smart, just like David Cook. He found a platform for success and he followed a tried and proven system that will walk him by the hand to the promise land.

Congratulations on all of your success Paul. I am so proud of you man.

I only hope Paul's success can inspire some of you to take action just like he did ;)

It's time to unleash the sexy beast in you!

And fortunately you won't need the luck of David Cook to make it happen, just 14.95-19.95/month ;)

Listen and Lose Fat,

BJ Gaddour, CSCS

PS- Take a look at all of the amazing things that Paul and his family have achieved thus far with Workout Muse in only 10 Weeks of training:

"I've struggled with my weight since leaving the Air Force (AF) in 1993. I started taking less care of myself and didn't care much about my appearance. I used food and alcohol as a crutch and for comfort.

After my father died in December 2000, I decided I'd fulfill a promise to him and get into shape. I read books and magazines, joined a gym, cut out all alcohol, cut down calories and fat to less that 1500 and 15 grams respectively. I worked out nearly every day, doing mostly cardio and then some weight training, but I'd do them on the same days. I lost 72 pounds in less than two months. I thought I did it! I was 217 pounds, my old average AF weight, but I didn't look the same. People would ask me if I was ill and members of my family told me I didn't look very good. That's all I needed to stop; I was looking for an excuse anyway. When I look at pictures from that time, I now see what everyone else saw back then. My eyes were sunken in, my hair was very thin and I didn't look healthy.

I started eating poorly and drinking alcohol again and before long, I gained all the weight back that I had lost and a lot additional weight. I had my two best friends back, beer and pizza. They didn't tell me I looked sick and didn't care how big I was. I topped out at 306 pounds. I'd make fun of my size and weight, which gave others the OK to make fun of me also. I always said I didn't care and that it didn't bother me, but I now know, deep down, it did.

For the past few years, I'd say I'd try to get into shape, but I always wanted to start on a Monday. Monday never came and there was always an excuse, often the same ones.

Fast-forward to February 2008. My wife Lisa and I started The Get Sexy Boot Camps. We have worked out with the Workout Muse system and have been following their Eternal Eating plan. In the back of my mind, I had many doubts. I didn't think I had the time, but I did. I thought I'd always be hungry, but I wasn't. I thought the workouts would be too hard, but they weren't. I thought it would be too expensive to eat healthy, but it wasn't. Before long, I wasn't as sore as I was at first, I was able to move easier and do more during the workouts. My whole family started to eat much better because we weren't buying the junk we used to eat. My daughters' workout with us on our cardio days and it is now part of our lives.

Since February 18, when I started the Get Sexy Boot camps and following the Workout Muse System, I've lost 58 scale pounds. I've gone from a size 44 pants to between a size 36 and 38. I'm wearing clothes that I haven't been able to wear for seven plus years. I feel great and my energy levels are high. People are noticing the changes in my body and attitude. No one has said I look ill, in fact, everyone thinks I look great. My coworkers say I look happier. My confidence is as high as I can every remember it. I am enjoying life now, instead of just living, thanks to BJ and Naomi."

- Paul Lundh

PPS- Please spread the health and forward this newsletter to anybody you know who can benefit from it!

PPPS- The Workout Muse introductory prices will be going up in June.
Take action now!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Last 4 Workouts of the Day...

Last 3 workouts of the day:

Last Friday: Tabata Workout B

Tabata Box Jumps

Tabata Single-Arm Band Lat Pulldowns

Tabata Single-Arm DB Shoulder Presses

Tabata Stability Ball Knee-Ins

Last Saturday: Cardio A- Outdoor Running

5-min warm-up
- 30 s on, 90 s off. Repeated this 2-minute interval 10x for 20 total minutes
- 5-minute cool-down

Monday: Tabata Workout A

Tabata Single-Leg Squats (left leg)

Tabata Single-Leg Squats (right leg)

Tabata Spiderman Push-up

Tabata DB Push-up Rows

Monday: Cardio B- Indoor Cycling

- 5-min warm-up
- 60 s on, 180 s off. Repeated this 4-minute interval 5x for 20 total minutes
- 5-minute cool-down

Crank it!


Eat the RIGHT Meals at the RIGHT times to build your dream body!


Day#3, Tip#3: Eat the RIGHT Meals at the RIGHT times to build the body of your dreams!

What I am about to tell you is what I have found to be THE most effective nutritional strategy for helping people look better naked. It is so powerfully that people usually see noticeable changes in their physiques after just a couple of days of implementing it. I am not exaggerating when I say that it will change your body and your life forever!



ETERNAL#2- Eat the RIGHT Complete Meals at the RIGHT Times: Eat Core Meals anytime. Reserve Activity Meals for breakfast or ideally within 3 hours of intense activity.

Eternal Eating consists of two main types of meals: core meals and activity meals. Core meals consist of lean proteins, fruits and veggies, and healthy fats and can be eaten anytime. Activity meals consist of lean proteins, fruits and veggies, and nutrient dense carbohydrates (whole grains and legumes) and are best consumed either for breakfast or within 3 hours of intense activity. This simple and brutally effective nutrient timing strategy alone will take your sex appeal to the next level!

Two Types of Complete Meals: Core Meals and Activity Meals

Core Meals (CM)

Consist of Powerful Proteins (PP), Vivacious Veggies (VV), and Fabulous Fats (FF) and can be consumed anytime of day.

The Core Meal Effect:

More Lean Muscle Mass and Less Body Fat → Sexy Metabolisms → Sexy Cores

- Core Meals Serve as your Nutritional Foundation:
These meals can be eaten at anytime of the day. By eating Core Meals every 2-4 hours you maintain stable blood sugar levels and provide a steady flow of energy to your body all day long. In this way, these meals prevent the huge fat-storing insulin spikes typical of the diets of most Americans that come from:

a.) Frequently eating a large quantity of refined or junk carbohydrates
b.) Overeating later in the day after skipping meals

- Core Meals lead to Sexy Metabolisms: Core Meals create the optimal hormonal environment for simultaneous lean muscle gain and fat loss. By providing all of the essential nutrients to build and maintain lean muscle mass and metabolism without any of the "extras" (starchy or sugary carbs) Core Meals allow your body to melt its fat stores at the same time. This what we call a "Sexy Metabolism" that is working to help you look better naked 24-7!

- Sexy Metabolisms Lead to Sexy Cores:
Your body's core muscles collectively consist of the abs, hips, thighs, and lower back. These are the areas that most fitness enthusiasts want to improve the most. Unfortunately, these areas tend to be the stubborn fat areas for most people (generally the abs and lower back for men and the hips and thighs for women). In other words, there is no amount or type of exercise that will make your core musculature more visible without a strategic nutrition plan to trick your body into shedding the unwanted body fat that is hiding these coveted "eye candy" muscles. Core Meals unlock your CORE'S potential by building a SEXY METABOLISM that will get rid of these unsightly trouble spot areas that are hindering your body's true sex appeal!

Activity Meals (AM):

Activity Meals consist of Powerful Proteins (PP), Vivacious Veggies (VV), and Energy Carbs (EC) and should only be consumed immediately upon waking for breakfast and/or within 3 hours post-workout. Activity Meals fuel both the optimal performance of and the recovery from high-intensity exercise.

The Activity Meal Effect:

Improved Workout Performance and Recovery → More Lean Muscle Mass → Sexy Metabolisms

- Activity Meals Are Activity Dependent:
The total number of activity meals you consume on a daily basis is directly related to your activity level. The less active you are, the lower the number of activity meals your body needs to function optimally. In general, the average American adult with a sedentary job should only consume a maximum of one Activity Meal per day and even this is often not needed.

- Activity Meals Are Body Type And Goal Dependent:
The total number of Activity Meals you consume on a daily basis is directly related to your body type and/or your training goals. If you are prone to weight gain or want to lose body fat (endomorph), your body will respond best to fewer Activity Meals and more Core Meals. If you struggle to gain weight (ectomorph) or want to build muscle, your body will respond best to fewer Core Meals and more Activity Meals.

- Activity Meals Must Be Consumed At The Right Time(s):
These meals are best consumed at two specific times of day: breakfast and/or within the 3-hour Workout Window (e.g. within 3-hours of performing high-intensity exercise, the sooner the better). This revolutionary concept is known as nutrient partitioning and essentially means that at these times your body preferentially stores Energy Carbs (EC) in muscle cells instead of fat cells. This is when your body best handles the insulin surges caused by EC consumption (e.g. sugary and starchy carbohydrates). At these times your body preferentially uses these foods to build and repair muscle and to re-stock the sugar stores in your muscles as training fuel for upcoming workouts. However, eating Activity Meals at other times of the day will often lead to unwanted fat-storage that will hide that lean, sexy muscle that you are training so hard to get!

- Activity Meals Promote Optimal Muscle Growth And Recovery: Activity Meals provide all of the necessary nutrients to jump-start muscle growth and recovery in addition to igniting a muscle-building, fat-burning metabolism for hours and hours after the completion of your workout.

The Bottom Line:

Eat Core Meals anytime. Reserve Activity Meals for breakfast or ideally within 3 hours of intense activity. By eating this way you will not believe how much better you will look in the mirror!

Crank it!


Monday, May 19, 2008


You can't get sexy unless you can burn fat and build muscle. And you can't burn fat or build muscle optimally unless you can perform total body exercises through pain-free, full ranges of motion.

I have struggled with knee pain my whole life. Beyond having patellar tendonitis on and off for 10+ years, I had 4 surgeries (2 on each leg) by the time I was 22. It was a vicious combo of being overweight, eating poorly, and training like an absolute moron being the typical meat head college football player that I was (ignoring form and pain to lift the most weight possible).

I am happy to say that since I have finally learned to start listening to my body and addressing tissue work via foam rolling and corrective flexibility training. My knees are now 100% and I have ZERO limitations with my lower body!

For your viewing pleasure, check out a WORKOUT MUSE YouTube video for the top 2 stretches to alleviate, if not eliminate, nagging aches and pains in your knees (you may have to copy and paste this link into your browser):

I swear by these 2 stretches, add them in 1-3x per day and you won't believe how much better those wheels will feel ;) . I promise you that if you perform these stretches religiously you will notice immediate differences in the way you move and feel.

Regardless of whether or not you have knee pain, these 2 static stretches should be a staple of your flexibility routine for optimal health and performance!

If you want regular updates for new videos just like this, make sure to subscribe to our WORKOUT MUSE YouTube page!

Crank it!


Friday, May 16, 2008

If you want to LOOK like an athlete, TRAIN like one!

When you ask most people what they want to look like, they respond:

"I want to have a long, lean, and tight athletic physique!"

But these same people seem to think they can get that same athletic physique without actually training like an athlete.

These well-intentioned wannabes go "power" walking for hours or they jump on ellipticals and go slow for long thinking they can actually look elite if they train EASY.

Think of the fat-free, sexy bodies that strut the playing fields of stop-and-go sports like soccer, basketball, football, tennis, field hockey, swimming, or rugby.

Now think of the elite bodies of some of the most famous athletes in the world:

David Beckham

Kobe Bryant

Mia Ham

Terrel Owens

The Williams Sisters

These fat-free, sexy bodies were built while playing stop-and-go sports.

These rare athletic physiques were molded through intervals: alternating between bouts of all-out high-intensity effort and recovery periods.

If you want to be EYE CANDY like these celebrity athletes, then you need to get with the program... THE INTERVAL TRAINING PROGRAM!

Workout Muse provides DONE-FOR-YOU tried and proven rapid fat loss workouts that harness the science of interval training and the power of sound.

Our Rapid Fat Loss Music Workout Soundtracks serve as your personal music trainer by telling you when to stop, when to start, and
provides strategically placed countdowns and updates to keep you focused on the task at hand.

Plus, our elite team of sound designers create inspiring workout music (techno, latin, rock, hip-hop, and more) and rhythmic audio arrangements from scratch that will have you training with athletic intensity for the best-feeling, result-producing workouts of your life!

For as little as 14.95/month, you can access the same cutting-edge interval training programs used by ELITE athletes with ELITE bodies, without the hefty price tag of their personal trainers!


See below for my cardio interval workout yesterday which implemented a ton of athletic movements:

“Are You Ready for Tabatas?”

You will alternate between 20 s of work and 10 s of rest. Upon being told to “GO!” you will perform each exercise with maximum effort until being told to “STOP!” Every 4 minutes of work is followed by 1-minute of rest. You will repeat this 5-minute sequence 4x for 20 total minutes. Time to melt some serious fat!

Station#1- 5 minutes: Tabata Conditioning

Straights sets of the following conditioning exercise:

Single-Exercise- Single-leg hops over line (alternate legs from round to round)

Station#2- 5 minutes: Tabata Conditioning

Straights sets of the following conditioning exercise:

Single-Exercise- Shadow Boxing Speed Punches

Station#3- 5 minutes: Tabata Conditioning

Straights sets of the following conditioning exercise:

Single-Exercise- Dot Drill

Station#4- 5 minutes: Tabata Conditioning

Straights sets of the following conditioning exercise:

Single-Exercise- Lateral Shuffles with line touch (5-10 yard spacing)

Crank it!


Wednesday, May 14, 2008

The Best Bench Press Exercise for Fat Loss!

What's the first thing you see those gym meat heads do every Monday:


Now, don't get me wrong, the bench press is a great upper body strength and muscle builder. However, here's the problem with only doing barbell bench presses:

1.) There is little to no core involvement

2.) Performing only bilateral movements tends to further exacerbated strength balances between arms

What's the solution?

The 1-Arm DB Chest Press on a Stability Ball!

Just like this above, but only 1 db held in 1 arm at a time!

Let's list the benefits of this amazing exercise:

1.) The instability of the stability ball makes the exercise more challenging for thew whole body, particular your core

2.) Being able to work one arm at a time allows you to training single-arm strength and prevent the common imbalances between arms that prevents you from bench pressing maximal weight safely

3.) Performing a 1-arm db bench press forces your core to work hard to offset the extra loading on your work arm so that you don't fall off the stability ball (yes, I have done this before in a public setting, and it wasn't pretty)

4.) Using dumbbells allows you to work through a greater range of motion than a barbell allows for which makes it a great muscle building and fat loss movement

Bottom line, the 1-arm db bench press on a stability ball is my favorite bench press variation, and probably the next upper body push exercise alternative to the ultimate total body push exercise: THE PUSH-UP!

Check out my workout today, featuring this awesome chest AND total body builder!

BWT Workout A - “TABATAS”

Exercise Selection and Order:

You will perform 5 total exercises: 1 lower body, 2 upper body, and 2 core exercises.

Exercise Performance:

“Are You Ready for Tabatas?”

You will alternate between 20 s of work and 10 s of rest. Upon being told to “GO!” you will perform each exercise with maximum effort until being told to “STOP!” Every 4 minutes of work is followed by 1-minute of rest. You will repeat this 5-minute sequence 4x for 20 total minutes. Time to melt some serious fat!

Pre-Workout A- 5 minutes

Station#1- 5 minutes: Tabata Single-Leg Lower Body

Straights sets of the following unilateral knee-dominant exercise:

Single-Exercise- Valslide Lateral Lunges w/ Kettlebell (alternate the lead leg from round to round)

Station#2- 5 minutes: Tabata Upper Body Push

Straights sets of the following unilateral knee-dominant exercise:

Single-Exercise- 1-Arm DB Bench Press on SB (alternate arms from round to round)

Station#3- 5 minutes: Tabata Upper Body Pull

Straights sets of the following unilateral knee-dominant exercise:

Single-Exercise- Single-Leg Kettlebell RDL + Row (alternate legs from round to round)

Station#4- 5 minutes: Tabata Core

Alternating sets of the following core trunk-dominant exercises:

Exercise#1- Back Pillar Variation @ Dynamic Back Pillar
Exercise#2- Crunch Variation @ Weighted Sandbag Curl-up Hold

Finisher A- “30-30’s”

Exercise#1- Single-Leg Wall Sit @ left leg
Exercise#2- Single-Leg Wall Sit @ right leg

Perform this 1-minute round 5x for 5 total minutes

Post-Workout- 5 minutes

Crank it!


Tuesday, May 13, 2008

60 Seconds Sprint = The Fat Loss Sweet Spot!

If you ask a track star what the most difficult running event is, most likely they will reply:

The 400 m dash!

Why? Because usually the 400 m takes 50-70 s for most well conditioned athletes to complete and it is literally a straight sprint all the way through. It is a total gut check of trying to fight all the burning in your muscles from accumulating lactic acid due the growing lack of oxygen from second to second.

From both personal experience and observing my clients, our bodies really only have about a 60 s true sprint in us before we conk out and the intensity drops to the point of diminishing returns.

In addition, 60 s of high-intensity effort completely exhausts your anaerobic system and every second of effort after 60 s has your body shifting towards its aerobic energy pathways. Plus, your body burns the most carbs in the 30-60 s of high-intensity effort, and the key to a rapid fat loss workout is to burn as many carbs during your workout as possible from these 30-60 sec sprinting efforts so that your body is burning fat the rest of the day!

Still not convinced?

Well just look at the ripped, fat-free body below of the most prolific 400 m runner of all time:

In vain, I tried to be like Mike today and did the following killer workout:

These workouts can be completed in 30 minutes or less and consist of 3 separate sections to be performed in the exact order listed:


I. Warm-Up : 5 minutes total
II. Intervals : Perform the prescribed number of rounds for 20 minutes total
III. Cool-Down : 5 minutes total

Key Terms:

- Carb-Burning Zone (CBZ) = Perform all-out, high-intensity sprints for the designated period of time. Make sure to work as hard as you possibly can during these sprints for your current fitness level. In other words, you should be working at an Intensity Level of 8-9 on The Perceived Exertion Scale of 1-10 (10 being maximum effort).

- Fat-Burning Zone (FBZ) = Perform low to moderate intensity active recovery for the designated period of time. Make sure to select a pace that allows you to sufficiently recover for the next sprint. In other words, you should be working at an Intensity Level of 3-5 on The Perceived Exertion Scale of 1-10 (10 being maximum effort). In general, this is the same pace you should use for both your warm-up and cool-down.

- 1 Interval = CBZ+FBZ = 1 Round


Workout B- 1:3 work to rest ratio

- CBZ = 60 s
- FBZ = 180 s
- 1 Interval = 4 minutes = 1 Round
- Perform 5 rounds for a total of 20 minutes of intervals


Listen and Lose Fat,

BJ Gaddour

Eat OFTEN to Feed Muscle and Starve Fat!


Day#2, Tip#2- Eat OFTEN to Feed Muscle and Starve Fat!
Eat immediately upon waking and then every 2-4 hours for a total of 4-6 approved meals per day depending on your goals.

"I know I am supposed to eat like 5 or 6 times per day, but I usually skip breakfast because I am so busy and I just don't have any time to eat anything in the morning. Once I get to work it's a total rat race and I just never have time to eat anything but a candy bar or some chips from the vending machine during the day. Sometimes I have a small lunch or I'll swing by a fast-food joint. By the end of the day I am friggin' starving and I eat a really big dinner before I go to bed."

Sadly, this statement is a pretty accurate summary of how most people in our country eat on a regular basis:

- We skip breakfast

- We eat 1 or 2 meals per day

- We eat the biggest meal of the day as our last meal before bed

Well, the good news is that you now know exactly WHAT NOT TO DO!

Now, I'll give you this: it's a bit counterintuitive that eating more often will help you lose weight. I mean seriously, how can eating more get rid of your gut? Here's how:

It is important to first understand the evolutionary history of our ancestors. Not so long ago food was very scarce and we could go many long hours, days, or even a whole week or more between meals. Essentially, we would starve on a regular basis.

Our body has an amazing ability to adapt to its environment in an effort to survive. Thus, the human body became very efficient at storing as much fat for energy as possible in case another state of famine was right around the corner whenever it would sense imminent starvation.

In addition, when your body is starving it will start to consume muscle protein for energy in an effort to save even more body fat as critical survival energy. The result is a loss of lean muscle mass and body shape and a slow, sluggish metabolism.

So, how long does it take to go without eating before your body enters SUVIVAL MODE?

Yep, you guessed it:

2-4 hours!

If you haven't eaten in the last 2-4 hours, this is what's going on in your body right now:

- It's storing ugly, unwanted body fat in all those pesky trouble spot areas like your hips, thighs, abs, and lower back!

- It's breaking down that lean, sexy muscle tissue that gives your body shape and allows you to perform at optimal levels!

- It's slowing your metabolism to a dead halt stopping fat loss in its tracks!

But wait, there's more bad news! When you don't eat every 2-4 hours your body will store as many calories as possible at your next meal to stock up for the next hunger strike. In addition, your blood sugar levels will be so low that your body is going to be craving high-carb, high-fat junk foods that will leave you feeling guilty and bloated. In other words, you will overeat junk food and become a fat-storing machine.

Once and for all, let's say it together:

No more miserable starvation diets that leave us fatter and more frustrated!

ETERNAL#1- Eat OFTEN to Feed Muscle and Starve Fat: Eat immediately upon waking and then every 2-4 hours for a total of 4-6 approved meals per day depending on your goals.

Bottom Line:

Frequent Feedings Build a Fat-Melting, Muscle-Building Metabolism:

- Increased Thermic Effect of Feeding (TEF): Every time you eat you boost your metabolism as your body burns calories chewing, swallowing, and digesting food. If you eat 2-3 meals per day, you will only boost your metabolism 2-3 times. However eating 4-6 meals a day will results in 2-3 extra metabolic boosts per day!

- Feed Muscle and Starve Fat: Your body is programmed to survive periods of famine and starvation due to evolution. Thus, your body will store fat and eat muscle as soon as it senses the slightest signal of starvation. By eating every 2-4 hours you will both provide your body with a steady flow of muscle-building nutrients and allow your body to use fat for fuel. You will also simultaneously increase your body's natural production of anabolic hormones (good muscle-building and fat-melting hormones) and decrease your body's natural production of catabolic hormones (bad muscle-wasting and fat-storing hormones).

- Increase Performance and Improve Energy Levels: Eating every 2-4 hours effectively balances your blood sugar levels and provides a steady and consistent flow of energy to your body to maximize your daily performance at school or work and during your workouts.

- Trick Your Body Into Thinking It's Being Overfed: Unfortunately, your body has no real interest in being lean. However, by eating every 2-4 hours, even when you are in a caloric deficit, you trick your body into thinking that food is always shortly on the way and thus you will avoid the pit falls of starvation-induced muscle loss and fat-storage.

- Avoid the Spillover Effect: When you eat a few big meals each day, the higher caloric and macronutrient content of these meals are more likely to lead to a spillover of nutrients resulting in unwanted fat gain. This is because it is often too difficult for your body to digest large quantities of food. By eating 4-6 smaller, evenly distributed meals each day you are preventing this overflow of nutrients and making it easier for your body to digest and make use of all the nutrient-dense food you are putting into your body.

- A study from Georgia State University concluded that people who opted to eat every 2-3 hours rather than the typical 2-3 meals per day have better blood sugar levels, fewer catabolic hormones, more anabolic hormones, less blood cholesterol, better body composition, and higher metabolic rates! When was the last time you ate?

Expert's Suggestion: Set Your Metabolic Alarm Clock!

Most of us wake up every day to an alarm clock. It is safe to say that the majority of us would probably not wake-up every morning when we are supposed to if we did not have this alarm clock.

Do you honestly think you are going to eat every 2-4 hours unless your body tells you to? We are all so very busy and there truly never seems to be enough time in the day and that is why it is critical that we give our bodies the incentive to eat as often as possible.

Thus, it is essential to establish a daily eating schedule so that your metabolism has the ideal internal alarm clock to optimize your health, body composition, and performance. If you commit to eating every 2-4 hours for a total of 4-6 approved meals for at least 2 weeks, I promise you that your stomach will be rumbling for that next meal sooner than later. IT'S LIKE CLOCKWORK!

Yours in Fat Loss,

BJ Gaddour, CSCS

Monday, May 12, 2008

Day#1, Tip#1: Drink Water To Look Better Naked!


Day#1, Tip#1: Drink Water To Look Better Naked!

Be a Hydration Specialist

This one is pretty simple. If you do not drink enough water you will die. Humans can go without food for days, weeks, and even months in some circumstances and survive. However, it only takes a couple of days (and in some instances, a span of only a couple of hours) of dehydration before serious health risks or even death present themselves. Over 60% of your body is made of water and it is absolutely essential for a wide variety of physiological functions. Thus, water is at the top of the ETERNAL EATING Food Pyramid as it is the most essential component of sound nutrition.

Oh yea, for those of you who do not care about your health know this: A DEHYDRATED ORGANISM CANNOT LOSE UNWANTED BODY FAT! Your body is only interested in survival and in maintaining homeostasis. As soon as your body senses that it is dehydrated it will go into survival mode and then your body will have no interest in burning body fat. Thus, in order to maximize fat loss and get sexy you need to trick your body into thinking “everything is okay” so that it can effectively burn fat without ever going into survival mode.

Below is a brief summary of key benefits of being a hydration specialist:

- Water is the most vital component of sound nutrition

- A dehydrated organism cannot effectively lose body fat

- Water is needed to flush toxins and fat out of our bodies

- Adequate water intake increase metabolism, performance, and energy levels

The Expert’s Suggestions:

- Always be prepared: Carry a full water bottle around with you and sip on it all day long

- Make your water bottle your own: Whenever we take ownership of something, we will put more effort into maintaining it if not improving it. Thus, take ownership of your water bottle and make it the best around. Feel free to name your water bottle (e.g. Wilson the volleyball from “Castaway”) and/or add creative designs to your water bottle to enhance its visual appeal. Do not share your water bottle with anyone else and be ready to use physical force if necessary to protect your water bottle.

The Water Bottle Mantra

“This is my water bottle. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My water bottle is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life. Without me, my water bottle is useless. Without my water bottle, I am useless.”

Hydration Guidelines:


*Besides your approved workout drinks and meal replacement shakes

1.) Drink Immediately Upon Waking to Boost Metabolism and to Keep Your Heart Ticking

- You have just spent the whole night sleeping (ideally 7-8 hours) so you are going to wake up extremely dehydrated. It is critical to hydrate as soon as you roll out of bed so that you rev up your metabolic engine and start your day off on the right note.

- Good Morning Metabolism: German scientists recently discovered that drinking 2 cups of cold water immediately upon waking boosts metabolism by 24% for 90 minutes following this good morning chug. Interestingly enough, a smaller amount of water had NO EFFECT on metabolism!

- Save Your Heart: Researchers at Loma Linda University found that men who drank five 8-ounce glasses of water a day were 54% less likely to suffer from fatal heart attacks than those men who drank two 8-ounce glasses or fewer. By drinking 16 oz of water first thing in the morning you are already out-drinking some of these numbskulls!

- Drink at least 16 oz (2 cups) of CHILLED water

2.) Drink Before Meals to Prevent Overeating AND Between Meals to Stay Full

- Before Meals: Drinking at least 8-16 oz of water before each meal will help prevent overeating because water competes with food for space in the stomach. Thus the more water you drink, the less EXTRA food you will eat. This regulation of caloric intake makes drinking enough water an essential component in optimizing fat loss.

- Between Meals: Drinking at least 8-16 oz of water between each meal will help keep you full all day long. Most of us confuse hunger for dehydration, particularly during the cold, dry winter season. Staying hydrated between feedings will keep your energy levels high and prevent those usual hunger pangs that lead you to the twinkie machine at work or school!

- Drink at least 8-16 oz (1-2 cups) of water

3.) Drink During Activity to Boost Performance and Muscle Growth

- Water is nature’s ULTIMATE performance enhancer. Your muscles are composed of 80% water and even a 1% decrease in body water has a negative effect on both workout performance and recovery. That is why proper pre, mid, and post-workout hydration has been shown to lower exercising heart rate, reduce heat stress, maintain performance, and prevent strength losses typical of dehydration.

- In addition, German researchers recently discovered that there is a higher rate of protein synthesis (muscle growth) in well-hydrated muscle cells.

- Adequate water intake is also critical to minimizing the aging process as it helps prevent the drying up of connective tissues surrounding our muscles and joints. This means less nagging aches and pains both now and down the road!

- Drink at least 8-16 oz (1-2 cups) of CHILLED water for every 15 minutes of activity*

*NOTE: Mineral imbalances may occur during exercise that produces large losses of sweat (particularly in hot environments). That’s why it’s best to consume a workout drink containing protein and/or carbs and minerals (e.g. protein shake or fruit flavored kefir). Please refer to the Workout Nutrition Section for more info.

Yours in Fat Loss,

BJ Gaddour, CSCS

If you want a sexy core... YOU BETTER HAVE SEXY LEGS!

A lot of new clients ask me what type of ab work I personally do to get a shredded six pack. I proceed to go into the following auto-responder:

1.) I eat like a caveman

My nutrition system ETERNAL EATING focuses on consuming core meals (consisting of lean proteins, healthy fats, and green vegetables) every 2-4 hours for a total of 4-6 meals per day depending on my current goals (fat loss or muscle gain emphasis. I only consume activity meals (consisting of leans proteins, nutrient dense whole grains carbs, and fruits and veggies) after intense exercise and when I am trying to get super ripped, I simply don't consume activity meals for weeks at a time.

2.) I train my whole body, not just more core

Everybody knows we all have sexy abs underneath that blubbery winter suit. So the key to burning off that protective lard layer is to train your whole body to provide the maximal muscle-building and fat-burning stimulus. Furthermore, when I train my core, I focus on pillar movement that works the shoulder, hips, and core in three planes of movement (see side pillars below) so get as many muscles involved as possible.

3.) I really focus on strengthening and building as much lower body muscle as possible

I take leg training for seriousty because it separates the men from the boys and the women from the girls. Leg training is brutal and that's why most people are too wimpy to do it. However, the majority of your muscle mass is in your lower body and thus strong and muscular legs are the key to building a sexy metabolism that will have your burning fat and building muscle 24-7. That's why every one of my workouts contains both a double-leg movement and a single-leg movement and I alternated between knee and hip-dominant variations for both on a workout to workout basis to balance my lower body training. So if you want a flat, 6-pack abs, you better focus on getting nice legs first!

Check out my workout for today, it was legit, and it epitomizes my training system for abs:


Pre-Workout A- 5 minutes

8-Exercise Tabata Circuit

- Perform each exercise for max reps for 20 s, with a 10 s transition to the next exercise in the exact exercise order listed below for 4 straight minutes:

Exercise#1- Bilateral Knee-Dominant @ MB Jump Squats
Exercise#2- Vertical Pull @ Neutral-Grip Pull-ups
Exercise#3- Vertical Push @ Parallel Bar Dips
Exercise#4- Unilateral Hip-Dominant Variation @ Single-Leg Hip Extension with off-leg parallel to floor with arms across chest (left leg)
Exercise#5- Unilateral Hip-Dominant Variation @ Single-Leg Hip Extension with off-leg parallel to floor with arms across chest (right leg)
Exercise#6- Core Hip-Dominant @ Valslide Mountain Climbes
Exercise#7- Core Linear Stabilization @ Left Side Pillar w/ Abduction (top leg raise)
Exercise#8- Core Linear Stabilization @ Right Side Pillar w/ Abduction (top leg raise)

- After completing the last exercise, take a 1-minute rest and transition
- Perform this 5-minute sequence 4x for 20 total minutes

I must admit I had to take a 15 s rest in the middle of the 3rd minute as I crapped out, but I sucked it up and kept going. This was absolutely deadly! I felt like EVERYWHERE... I think I saw God's face on the last round, ha ha!

Finisher A- “30-30’s”

Exercise#1- Total Body: KB Deadlift to Curl
Exercise#2- Total Body: KB Squat to Press

Perform this 1-minute round 5x for 5 total minutes

Post-Workout- 5 minutes


Listen and Lose Fat!


Saturday, May 10, 2008

Just What I needed...

BJ & I have been working endlessly over the last 5+ months to get Workout Muse where it is today. I've averaged about 100 hours weekly on recording, mixing, composing, arranging mastering and more. Earlier this week I was finally able to slow down a bit and start to incorporate the Workout Muse program into my life. Today will be my third Workout at level one.

I felt the need to just tell you all that Workout Muse kicked my ass! After my first two workouts I literally felt (and moved) like a bowl of jello. I could hardly lift my arms above my head. And the metabolism boost lasts for many, many hours after my workouts. So, today will be my third workout and I already feel great! I sleep better and crave better nourishment, causing me to eat healthier. I quit smoking 8 weeks ago, I've been a pack-a-day smoker for 16 years! This is just what I needed, take it from someone who weighs 297 pounds -

BJ, look out - before you know it I'll be pictured next to you with my before & after shots!


Friday, May 9, 2008

8 Exercise Tabata Circuits- A Fat Loss Frenzy!

One thing I have learned about training for fat loss is to constantly keep your body guessing by frequently changing up your workouts. You want to prevent your body from adapting to your workouts so that your metabolism is very inefficient. This results in maximal calorie burn both during and after your workouts and also activated your bodies "fight or flight" response. I am convinced that this is the X-Factor in fat loss training for if you make your body feel like it's exerting the type of energy needed to overcome what it perceives as a potentially deadly stress... YOU FORCE YOUR BODY TO CHANGE!

Another way to do Tabatas that allows you to crank the intensity up a notch with the exercises why still staying true to the brutal fat loss timelines is to perform Tabatas as an 8-Exercise Circuit. Because you have over 4 minutes before you'll perform each exercise again, this full recovery allows you to choose the most advanced exercises variations for each movement pattern in your workout. Remember the greater intensity, the greater the afterburn, and the more your body changes!

Check out my workout for today:

Pre-Workout A- 5 minutes

8-Exercise Tabata Circuit

- Perform each exercise for max reps for 20 s, with a 10 s transition to the next exercise in the exact exercise order listed below for 4 straight minutes:

Exercise#1- Unilateral Horizontal Push Variation @ Left Arm Incline Push-ups
Exercise#2- Uniliateral Horizontal Push Variation @ Right Arm Incline Push-ups
Exercise#3- Bilateral Hip-Dominant Variation @ KB Swings
Exercise#4- Unilateral Knee-Dominant Variation @ Contralateral Sandbag Rear Foot Elevated Split Squats- Left Lef Fwd
Exercise#5- Unilateral Knee-Dominant Variation @ Contralateral Sandbag Rear Foot Elevated Split Squats- Right Leg Fwd
Exercise#6- Horizontal Pull Variation @ Suspended Rows with Feet Elevated on Stability Ball
Exercise#7- Core-Trunk Dominant Variation @ Med Ball Upper Body Twists
Exercise#8- Core Linear Stabilization Variation @ Valslide Push-Aways

- After completing the last exercise, take a 1-minute rest and transition
- Perform this 5-minute sequence 4x for 20 total minutes

Decided to do a total core finisher. I was literally swimming in my own sweat in drool by the last round, this was friggin' unreal!!!

Finisher A- “30-30’s”

Exercise#1- Anterior Core: Alternating Opposite Arm-Leg Front Pillar
Exercise#2- Posterior Chain: Airplane Hold

Perform this 1-minute round 5x for 5 total minutes

Post-Workout- 5 minutes


Listen and Lose Fat!


Tabata Uphill-Downhill Sprints!

Decided to do another kamikaze mission and did Tabata Sprints again today. Except I switched it up a bit and alternated between uphill sprints and downhill sprints.

This was cool because you get some resisted running work by fighting gravity uphill and then you get some overspeed work by going downhill on the next sprint. The downhill portion also served as somewhat of a recovery as the nervous system is still primed for the uphill running that preceded hit and you feel like you are going really fast.

Uphill and downhill running are well known for increased running power and stride length respectively, and with the incomplete rest periods of the tabata workouts you also get that incredible metabolic boost and anaerobic conditioning! Be sure to use an incline/decline for your current fitness, level. My suggestion is a 15-20-degree slope for best results and make sure to never slam the brakes on the downhill portion so you don't risk knee injury (always drop your hips and gradually decelerate).

Here was the workouts for yesterday, a great switch-up!

Tabata Uphill/Downhill Sprints- 20 minutes total

- 5 minute warm-up
- 20 s sprint uphill, 10 s active rest, 20 s sprint downhill, 10 s active rest
- repeat this 60-second round 4x for 4 total minutes followed by a 1-minute rest and transition
- Perform this 5-minute sequence 2x for 10 minutes total (if you are new to this type of training, you might be totally smoked after the first 5-minute sequence)
- 5 minute cool-down

Remeber fast arms equal fast legs. Really drive your arms as you fatigue to keep those legs moving ;)

Crank it!


Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Use Total Body Exercise for Your Total Body Workout!

Literally as I am writing this post I am shaking as my muscles are still trembling from this workout!

We already know the importance of performing total body resistance workouts 3x per week for maximal fat loss. But if you are looking for the fastest fat loss possible, then crank up the intensity and calorie burn by performing total body exercises within your total body workouts.

For example, the finisher today is a 1-arm kettlebell squat to press. Every 30 s I switched arms and performed max reps for 5 straight minutes. Yep, that's right, 5 minutes of straight squatting, not to mention the fact my upper body was involved on the shoulder presses. In addition, my core had to work extra hard to stabilize the uneven loading as only 1 arm was holding the kettlebell at a time.

This is the definition of a total body exercises: my lower body, upper body, AND core were involved the whole time for probably one of the most taxing finishers I have ever done. I laid on the floor screaming "MOMMY!" for about 5 minutes after I was done as I proceeded to trench crawl to the bench where my water bottle was sitting.

Think I'm full of it? Well you wouldn't be the first, ha ha!

Check out my workout for today:

Pre-Workout A- 5 minutes

Station#1- 5 minutes: Tabata Double-Leg Lower Body

Straights sets of the following bilateral knee-dominant exercise:

Single-Exercise- Squat Variation @ DB Squat-to-Press

Station#2- 5 minutes: Tabata Upper Body (Push-Pull)

Alternating sets of the following vertical push-pull exercises:

Exercise#1- Dip Variation @ Parallel Bar Dips
Exercise#2- Pull-up Variation @ Chin-ups (moved to negatives when could no longer perform the lifting)

Station#3- 5 minutes: Tabata Single-Leg Lower Body

Straights sets of the following unilateral hip-dominant exercise:

Single-Exercise- Single-Leg Hip Extension Variation (alternate legs every set) @ Single-Leg SHELC (SB Hip Extension Leg Curl)

Station#4- 5 minutes: Tabata Core

Straight sets of the following core lateral stabilization exercise:

Single-Exercise: Side Pillar Variation (switch sides every set) @ DB Side Pillar Reach and Rotate

Finisher A- “30-30’s”

Exercise#1- Total Body: 1-Arm Kettlebell Squat to Press- Left Arm @ max reps for 30 s with 0 s rest and transition

Exercise#2- Total Body: 1-Arm Kettlebell Squat to Press- Right Arm @ max reps for 30 s with 0 s rest and transition

Perform this 1-minute round 5x for 5 total minutes

Post-Workout- 5 minutes


Crank it!


Tuesday, May 6, 2008

This Bike Workout Will Break YOU!

Few people know that the original Tabata study was conducted on a stationary bike. Yep, those people lost crazy amounts of fat while sitting on a bike! I have seen the power of cycling myself as I have personally employed these bike workouts to get down to as low as 5% body fat!

Real World Proof of Rapid Fat Loss Cycling!

It's funny, because you would never think that a bike workout could be as tough as running can be. But in reality, a stationary bike intervals can be just as deadly as running intervals because you can really crank up the intensity/resistance on the bike without risk of falling off on your face like there is with a treadmill. Sure, you won't be engaging as money muscles as running does, but intensity is what makes your body change and the bike really allows you to safely push the intensity through the roof!

Biking is also a lower impact activity than running which is great for those people who are overweight and/or have joint issues. By learning how to perform intervals on a bike to start you can gain a lot of physical confidence and build up your fitness level without needing to excessively pound your body. This way you can rapidly reduce excess body weight and overall conditioning so when you start running you are not at risk of overuse injuries.

In addition, if you have ever seen the legs of a cyclist, you'll notice their quads (front thighs) are extremely well defined and developed, particularly the tear drop quad muscle (VMO) on the inside of the knee. These strong thigh muscles can do wonders for ensuring proper alignment and tracking of your knee cap and will also act as shock absorbers for the joint as a whole. To you this means decreased likelihood of patellear tendonitis and/or arthritis, which is always a big-time bonus!

Without further adieu, here was my rapid fat loss cardio workout for today:

Tabata Cycle Sprints- 10 minutes total

- 20 s sprint, 10 s active rest
- repeat this 30-second round 8x for 4 total minutes followed by a 1-minute rest and transition
- Perform this 5-minute sequence 2x for 10 minutes total (if you are new to this type of training, you might be totally smoked after the first 5-minute sequence)

I felt like some extra core work when I finished, so I did this:

Tabata Core- Pillar Walk-Ups- 5 minutes total

- 20 s sprint, 10 s active rest
- repeat this 30-second round 8x for 4 total minutes followed by a 1-minute rest and transition

Tabata Core- Isometric Curl-Up Hold- 5 minutes total

- 20 s sprint, 10 s active rest
- repeat this 30-second round 8x for 4 total minutes followed by a 1-minute rest and transition

The big lesson today is to remember that the power of interval training can be expressed through any form of exercise. In general, it is great to perform multi-mode cardio by switching up exercise modes as frequently as you desire to keep your workouts fresh and too prevent training plateaus.

So run one day, bike another, then shadow box, etc. The key is staying true to the proven rapid fat loss intervals provided by Workout Muse!

Crank it!


PS- Once you start using the tabata soundtracks (or any workout muse soundtracks for that matter) you will never go back to looking at your stupid stop watch again. With Workout Muse as your personal music trainer all you have to do is listen and lose fat. We tell you when to start, stop, and even give you countdowns and updates just like having a personal trainer in your ear. Plus our elite sound designers provide the coolest music round to compliment the audio instructions and set the tone for your workout.

Monday, May 5, 2008

The Secret to Workout Muse

Sound is powerful in all forms. It is used as a weapon by multiple divisions of the military, as a tool for meditation, to enhance textures in film, TV and radio, etc. It can draw any emotion as well as affect you physically. The mental and physical aspects are what I focus on for Workout Muse. It's not all about the music. The drums, strings, horns and keyboards are all familiar to our ears. Because of that familiarity it is quite easy to layer in other elements of sound. Due to the natural recognition of sound most other elements will enter your ears unnoticed. These are the sounds that have the most profound impact on your workouts!

As a rule I will always incorporate 3 types of sound: musical, organic and industrial/mechanical. I use animals, power tools, recordings of storms, automobiles, weapons, machines, field recordings, and many other sounds.

This is what makes Workout Muse entirely different from anything else out there. I actually calculate a recorded heartbeat as well as breathing patterns that are timed to a certain BPM to help maintain a target heart-rate for the person listening. There are also pure tones that make their way into many of the recordings, pure tones have a profound result on the listener. The combination of these tones with the other elements of sound pack a powerful punch. The subliminal mix in the materialization of each track will help you stay strong and focused through each workout.

More on this later...


Only 5 Weeks Until Beach Season!

Well, it's starting to get warm, which means it's time to get shredded for the summer ;)

May is Tabatas Month. Here was my workout of the day, a total killer:

BWT Workout A - “TABATAS”

Exercise Selection and Order:

You will perform 6 total exercises: 2 lower body, 2 upper body, and 2 core exercises.

Exercise Performance:

“Are You Ready for Tabatas?”

You will alternate between 20 s of work and 10 s of rest. Upon being told to “GO!” you will perform each exercise with maximum effort until being told to “STOP!” Every 4 minutes of work is followed by 1-minute of rest. You will repeat this 5-minute sequence 4x for 20 total minutes. Time to melt some serious fat!

Pre-Workout A- 5 minutes

Station#1- 5 minutes: Tabata Double-Leg Lower Body

Straights sets of the following bilateral hip-dominant exercise:

Single-Exercise- Hip Extension Variation @ Valslide Leg Curls

Station#2- 5 minutes: Tabata Upper Body (Push-Pull)

Alternating sets of the following horizontal push-pull exercises:

Exercise#1- Push-up Variation @ Side to Side Push-ups
Exercise#2- Row Variation @ DB Bent-Over Rows w/ 50 lbs dbs

Station#3- 5 minutes: Tabata Single-Leg Lower Body

Straights sets of the following unilateral knee-dominant exercise:

Single-Exercise- Lunge Variation (for stationary lunges, alternate legs from round to round) @ Kettlebell Overhead Alternating Forward Lunges w/ 26 lb kbs

Station#4- 5 minutes: Tabata Core

Alternating sets of the following core trunk-dominant exercises:

Exercise#1- Upper Body Twist Variation @ Straight-Legged and Feet off Floor with 10 lb med ball
Exercise#2- Crunch Variation @ SB Crunches (extend arms back and overhead)

Finisher A- “30-30’s”

Exercise#1- Lunge Variation: max reps or max hold for 30 s, 0 s rest and transition @ Stationary Lunge Hold for first 4 sets (switched legs each set) and finished with max reps Alternating Forward Lunges on last set

Exercise#2- Push-up Variation: max reps or max hold for 30 s, 0 s rest and transition @ Running Push-ups (1 rep = 1 push-up + 1 mountain climber each leg) for first 4 sets and finished with max reps Push-ups on last set

Perform this 1-minute round 5x for 5 total minutes

Post-Workout- 5 minutes

Only 5 weeks until vacation time in sunny Florida. I don't know about you but I'm ready to make those abs pop.

Crank it!


Sunday, May 4, 2008

Sprint to Lose! Try this Fat-Killer of a Workout!

It was a rare sunny day up here in Milwaukee, WI, so my girlfriend and I went to the lake to get in a quick 20-minute cardio workout.

If you have never done Tabata sprints before, you have no idea what you're missing/about to get yourself into, ha ha!

Here's what we did and man did it break us!

Tabata Sprints- 20 minutes total

- 5 minute warm-up
- 20 s sprint, 10 s active rest
- repeat this 30-second round 8x for 4 total minutes followed by a 1-minute rest and transition
- Perform this 5-minute sequence 2x for 10 minutes total (if you are new to this type of training, you might be totally smoked after the first 5-minute sequence)
- 5 minute cool-down

I completed this workout several hours ago and I am still feeling some serious AFTERBURN. Nothing beats being in pure fat-burn mode for the rest of day after a short 20-minute high-intensity workout, even when your shopping for patio chairs at home depot (this was definitely not the highlight of my day).

Bottom line, sprints are the key to unlocking those flat, 6-pack abs. They involve every single muscle in your body for the ultimate fat-burning, muscle building movement in existence.

Not convinced? Just look at the body of a sprinter or stop-and-go athlete (basketball, lacrosse, tennis, football, field hockey, etc.): super lean and muscular at the same time!

Crank it!


10 Minute In-Home Core Workout

Here's a quick and brutal core workout that I did yesterday in 10 minutes. I had to squeeze it in between the end of the Kentucky Derby and going out to dinner with some friends.

It was a good one and I thought I would share it! Pillar (shoulder, hips, and core) training is great because it trains the entire body in all three planes of movement and thus cranks up the calorie burning and muscle-building at the same time. When it comes to core training, these are the movements you want to select because they provide the biggest bang-for-your-buck!

Tabata Alternating L Side-Front- R Side Pillar- 5 minutes total

- 20 s sprint, 10 s active rest
- repeat this 30-second round 8x for 4 total minutes followed by a 1-minute rest and transition

Tabata Alternating 3-Point Back Pillar- 5 minutes total

- 20 s sprint, 10 s active rest (alternate legs from set to set)
- repeat this 30-second round 8x for 4 total minutes followed by a 1-minute rest and transition

Crank it!


Saturday, May 3, 2008

Workout Muse Member's Rapid Fat Loss Workout

Thought I'd share a sweet TABATAS workout performed by a Workout Muse professional member Greg Kalafatic:

Followed the music and it was awesome. I'll be honest, I thought I would miss my music, but this def keeps you on track to not bullshit and play around. It's almost as if someone is next to you watching you and saying GO!. I have done tabata workouts before, but the music tone keeps the intensity high. I used sprints, tire rows (I actually broke the spindle on my tire that holds the weight, thanks alot BJ! :)), pushups, and basic squats...I had hammer slams and a sit-up variation, but didnt realize the tape was over. Went by real fast.

For more info on Greg's training visit

Crank it Greg!


PS- If you are a fitness professional that wants to take both your workout AND your clients' workouts to the next level, sign-up for workout muse today!