The Workout Muse EXPRESS
Everybody’s got at least 5 minutes!
In the real world, there will be days when we simply do not have enough time for a full 30-minute workout. In most instances, the typical approach we take is to just skip the workout altogether. The flawed assumption here is that no significant results can occur in less than 30 minutes anyways. However, this could not be further from the truth! Both our clients and we have discovered just how much can happen in 5 minutes or less with the right approach to training. So basically, there is no room for excuses as we all have at least 5 minutes on any given day to workout.
It’s not about time… IT’S ALL ABOUT INTENSITY!
The Workout Muse EXPRESS consists of short, but INTENSE workouts that can completed in 5 minutes or less to keep you on track for long-term success. Granted, you will not get as good of results from the EXPRESS workouts as you will from performing the prescribed full-length workouts due to both a lower calorie burn both during and after your workout. However, you will at least maintain your strength and conditioning while still igniting your metabolism for a potent fat-burning stimulus. This is without a doubt better than nothing!
Now the key to these EXPRESS workouts is the word INTENSITY. In both scientific research and real world studies, time and time again one thing is clear: Intensity is truly the only thing that makes your body change! Intensity is the key to ripping off ugly, unwanted body fat and gaining lean, sexy muscle.
As much as we’d love to claim we’ve reinvented the wheel here, this intensity principle is nothing new in the fitness world. Even as far back as 1994 in the journal Metabolism researchers discovered the following: each calorie you expend during high-intensity exercise burns 9 times more fat than the same calorie expended during steady state aerobic exercise! Don’t believe this? Well, trust us when we say that you definitely will become a believer in intensity after performing your first EXPRESS workout. It’s really the coolest thing in the world. It’s like you just flip the switch to building the body of your dreams. See below to learn more about why this happens:
The Role of Intensity in Exercise
- Embraces the Carb-Burning Zone by rapidly reducing muscle glycogen during training which promotes enhanced total body fat-burning at all other times of day.
- Burns a ton of calories both during AND after exercise. This phenomenon is due to the post-workout “afterburn” know as EPOC which describes the number of calories your body expends in the recovery of your metabolism back to pre-exercise levels from high-intensity training.
- Puts your body in a “fight or flight” mode which creates a hormonal environment that optimizes both fat loss and muscle gain and forces your body to adapt for means of survival.
The Workout Muse Cardio EXPRESS
4-Minute Equipment-Free Fat Loss in Your Living Room!
This cardio express workout features the breakthrough Tabata Protocol that Japanese scientists used to compare the effects of only 4 minutes of high-intensity interval training to a slow, long 60-minute steady-state aerobic alternative. They found greater fat loss and greater improvements in overall conditioning with the following 4-minute interval routine versus the full hour of aerobics! Each workout takes only 4 minutes, not including the highly recommended warm-up routine. In all, you will be in the shower 10 short minutes after breaking your first bead of sweat.
Cardio EXPRESS- Tabatas: 4 minutes total
- 5-minute warm-up (optional, but highly recommended)
- You will alternate between 20 s of work and 10 s of rest
- You will perform this 30 s interval 8x for 4 total minutes
The Top 6 Body Weight Cardio Exercises
Choose either one exercise below and perform it for the full duration of your workout OR feel free to switch to different exercises from round to round to mix things up and get a little more variety:
1.) Stationary Running
2.) Jumping Claps (Modified Jumping Jack)
3.) Cross-Country Skier
4.) Mountain Climber
5.) Burpee Variation
6.) Shadow Boxing/Kickboxing
See the You-Tube Video below for a full demo of this routine and the exercises involved @
Note- Feel free to perform this protocol with any mode of cardio exercise (e.g. outdoor/treadmill running, cycling, etc.). We have simply provided the best equipment-free cardio exercises for the utmost simplicity, affordability, and convenience.
Perform these cardio workouts only on days:
- When you truly have NO TIME for the prescribed full-length 20-minute interval workouts (e.g. travel days)
- For an extra metabolic boost during the day to accelerate fat loss (immediately in the morning or 4-6 hours before/after your main workout of the day)
- Before a “free meal” to serve as a bit of damage control so that your body is primed to use the extra carbs and calories from this meal for muscle growth and recovery while minimizing fat-storage (don’t push this too far - this is not an excuse to go hog-wild!)
Listen and Lose Fat,
BJ Gaddour, CSCS
PS- See how Workout Muse doesn't just change lives... it saves lives!
"I went to the doctor yesterday; I was weighed and my blood pressure
was taken. Last year, at this doctor’s office, I weighed 300 pounds
and my blood pressure was 150/94. Yesterday, my weight was 237 and my
blood pressure was 112/72. Just thought I share one of the many
benefits I have gained thanks to Workout Muse!"
- Paul Lundh