Though most of my body weight resistance training workouts feature alternating sets of non-competing exercises (e.g. upper and lower body exercises), sometimes it's great to switch things up and perform alternating sets of competing exercises (e.g. squats and lunges).
This provides a huge muscle building stimulus through a prolonged time-under-tension for the the muscles being worked. This exhausts your muscles rapidly and thus really helps build up your muscular endurance. You are going to feel more burning in your muscles during competing supersets (local muscular endurance emphasis) where you tend to feel more burning in your lungs from non-competing supersets (total body conditioning emphasis). Each protocol helps make the other better, so make sure to employ this strategy to break through plateaus and to provide extra variety.
Take a look at the competing superset workout below that I performed today:
Tabata Lower Body Quad-Dominant Superset
Exerxise#1- Jump Squats with weighted vest
Exercise#2- Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat with weighted vest (alternate legs from set to set)
Tabata Upper Body Pull Superset
Exercise#1- Suspended Body Weight Rows
Exercise#2- DB Biceps Curls
Tabata Lower Body Hip-Dominant Superset
Exercise#1- Stability Ball Hip Extension Leg Curl
Exercise#2- Stability Ball Single-Leg Hip Extension (alternate legs from set to set)
Tabata Upper Body Pushing Superset
Exercise#1- Decline Push-ups (backed off to regular push-ups as needed)
Exercise#2- Parallel Bar Dips (backed off to off bench dips as needed)
Finisher- 30-30's
Exercise#1- sprint-backpedal combo (5-10 yard increments)
Exercise#2- lateral shuffle combo (5-10 yard increments)
crank it!