I was busy today with a lot of work, so I only had 10 minutes to get a quick cardio workout in.
Since it was raining outside, I just grabbed my mp3 player pressed play on my Workout Muse TABATA soundtrack, and did the following rapid fat loss cardio workout indoors in the comfort of my own home:
Tabata Stationary Run- 5 minutes total
- 20 s sprint, 10 s active rest
- repeat this 30-second round 8x for 4 total minutes followed by a 1-minute rest and transition
Tabata Jumping Jacks- 5 minutes total
- 20 s sprint, 10 s active rest
- repeat this 30-second round 8x for 4 total minutes followed by a 1-minute rest and transition
No need for equipment or space! I did this in the den of my condo!
Give it a try!
Listen and Lose Fat,