Wednesday, May 14, 2008

The Best Bench Press Exercise for Fat Loss!

What's the first thing you see those gym meat heads do every Monday:


Now, don't get me wrong, the bench press is a great upper body strength and muscle builder. However, here's the problem with only doing barbell bench presses:

1.) There is little to no core involvement

2.) Performing only bilateral movements tends to further exacerbated strength balances between arms

What's the solution?

The 1-Arm DB Chest Press on a Stability Ball!

Just like this above, but only 1 db held in 1 arm at a time!

Let's list the benefits of this amazing exercise:

1.) The instability of the stability ball makes the exercise more challenging for thew whole body, particular your core

2.) Being able to work one arm at a time allows you to training single-arm strength and prevent the common imbalances between arms that prevents you from bench pressing maximal weight safely

3.) Performing a 1-arm db bench press forces your core to work hard to offset the extra loading on your work arm so that you don't fall off the stability ball (yes, I have done this before in a public setting, and it wasn't pretty)

4.) Using dumbbells allows you to work through a greater range of motion than a barbell allows for which makes it a great muscle building and fat loss movement

Bottom line, the 1-arm db bench press on a stability ball is my favorite bench press variation, and probably the next upper body push exercise alternative to the ultimate total body push exercise: THE PUSH-UP!

Check out my workout today, featuring this awesome chest AND total body builder!

BWT Workout A - “TABATAS”

Exercise Selection and Order:

You will perform 5 total exercises: 1 lower body, 2 upper body, and 2 core exercises.

Exercise Performance:

“Are You Ready for Tabatas?”

You will alternate between 20 s of work and 10 s of rest. Upon being told to “GO!” you will perform each exercise with maximum effort until being told to “STOP!” Every 4 minutes of work is followed by 1-minute of rest. You will repeat this 5-minute sequence 4x for 20 total minutes. Time to melt some serious fat!

Pre-Workout A- 5 minutes

Station#1- 5 minutes: Tabata Single-Leg Lower Body

Straights sets of the following unilateral knee-dominant exercise:

Single-Exercise- Valslide Lateral Lunges w/ Kettlebell (alternate the lead leg from round to round)

Station#2- 5 minutes: Tabata Upper Body Push

Straights sets of the following unilateral knee-dominant exercise:

Single-Exercise- 1-Arm DB Bench Press on SB (alternate arms from round to round)

Station#3- 5 minutes: Tabata Upper Body Pull

Straights sets of the following unilateral knee-dominant exercise:

Single-Exercise- Single-Leg Kettlebell RDL + Row (alternate legs from round to round)

Station#4- 5 minutes: Tabata Core

Alternating sets of the following core trunk-dominant exercises:

Exercise#1- Back Pillar Variation @ Dynamic Back Pillar
Exercise#2- Crunch Variation @ Weighted Sandbag Curl-up Hold

Finisher A- “30-30’s”

Exercise#1- Single-Leg Wall Sit @ left leg
Exercise#2- Single-Leg Wall Sit @ right leg

Perform this 1-minute round 5x for 5 total minutes

Post-Workout- 5 minutes

Crank it!