Friday, May 9, 2008

8 Exercise Tabata Circuits- A Fat Loss Frenzy!

One thing I have learned about training for fat loss is to constantly keep your body guessing by frequently changing up your workouts. You want to prevent your body from adapting to your workouts so that your metabolism is very inefficient. This results in maximal calorie burn both during and after your workouts and also activated your bodies "fight or flight" response. I am convinced that this is the X-Factor in fat loss training for if you make your body feel like it's exerting the type of energy needed to overcome what it perceives as a potentially deadly stress... YOU FORCE YOUR BODY TO CHANGE!

Another way to do Tabatas that allows you to crank the intensity up a notch with the exercises why still staying true to the brutal fat loss timelines is to perform Tabatas as an 8-Exercise Circuit. Because you have over 4 minutes before you'll perform each exercise again, this full recovery allows you to choose the most advanced exercises variations for each movement pattern in your workout. Remember the greater intensity, the greater the afterburn, and the more your body changes!

Check out my workout for today:

Pre-Workout A- 5 minutes

8-Exercise Tabata Circuit

- Perform each exercise for max reps for 20 s, with a 10 s transition to the next exercise in the exact exercise order listed below for 4 straight minutes:

Exercise#1- Unilateral Horizontal Push Variation @ Left Arm Incline Push-ups
Exercise#2- Uniliateral Horizontal Push Variation @ Right Arm Incline Push-ups
Exercise#3- Bilateral Hip-Dominant Variation @ KB Swings
Exercise#4- Unilateral Knee-Dominant Variation @ Contralateral Sandbag Rear Foot Elevated Split Squats- Left Lef Fwd
Exercise#5- Unilateral Knee-Dominant Variation @ Contralateral Sandbag Rear Foot Elevated Split Squats- Right Leg Fwd
Exercise#6- Horizontal Pull Variation @ Suspended Rows with Feet Elevated on Stability Ball
Exercise#7- Core-Trunk Dominant Variation @ Med Ball Upper Body Twists
Exercise#8- Core Linear Stabilization Variation @ Valslide Push-Aways

- After completing the last exercise, take a 1-minute rest and transition
- Perform this 5-minute sequence 4x for 20 total minutes

Decided to do a total core finisher. I was literally swimming in my own sweat in drool by the last round, this was friggin' unreal!!!

Finisher A- “30-30’s”

Exercise#1- Anterior Core: Alternating Opposite Arm-Leg Front Pillar
Exercise#2- Posterior Chain: Airplane Hold

Perform this 1-minute round 5x for 5 total minutes

Post-Workout- 5 minutes


Listen and Lose Fat!