Monday, May 5, 2008

Only 5 Weeks Until Beach Season!

Well, it's starting to get warm, which means it's time to get shredded for the summer ;)

May is Tabatas Month. Here was my workout of the day, a total killer:

BWT Workout A - “TABATAS”

Exercise Selection and Order:

You will perform 6 total exercises: 2 lower body, 2 upper body, and 2 core exercises.

Exercise Performance:

“Are You Ready for Tabatas?”

You will alternate between 20 s of work and 10 s of rest. Upon being told to “GO!” you will perform each exercise with maximum effort until being told to “STOP!” Every 4 minutes of work is followed by 1-minute of rest. You will repeat this 5-minute sequence 4x for 20 total minutes. Time to melt some serious fat!

Pre-Workout A- 5 minutes

Station#1- 5 minutes: Tabata Double-Leg Lower Body

Straights sets of the following bilateral hip-dominant exercise:

Single-Exercise- Hip Extension Variation @ Valslide Leg Curls

Station#2- 5 minutes: Tabata Upper Body (Push-Pull)

Alternating sets of the following horizontal push-pull exercises:

Exercise#1- Push-up Variation @ Side to Side Push-ups
Exercise#2- Row Variation @ DB Bent-Over Rows w/ 50 lbs dbs

Station#3- 5 minutes: Tabata Single-Leg Lower Body

Straights sets of the following unilateral knee-dominant exercise:

Single-Exercise- Lunge Variation (for stationary lunges, alternate legs from round to round) @ Kettlebell Overhead Alternating Forward Lunges w/ 26 lb kbs

Station#4- 5 minutes: Tabata Core

Alternating sets of the following core trunk-dominant exercises:

Exercise#1- Upper Body Twist Variation @ Straight-Legged and Feet off Floor with 10 lb med ball
Exercise#2- Crunch Variation @ SB Crunches (extend arms back and overhead)

Finisher A- “30-30’s”

Exercise#1- Lunge Variation: max reps or max hold for 30 s, 0 s rest and transition @ Stationary Lunge Hold for first 4 sets (switched legs each set) and finished with max reps Alternating Forward Lunges on last set

Exercise#2- Push-up Variation: max reps or max hold for 30 s, 0 s rest and transition @ Running Push-ups (1 rep = 1 push-up + 1 mountain climber each leg) for first 4 sets and finished with max reps Push-ups on last set

Perform this 1-minute round 5x for 5 total minutes

Post-Workout- 5 minutes

Only 5 weeks until vacation time in sunny Florida. I don't know about you but I'm ready to make those abs pop.

Crank it!